A new tool to visualize flows of trade around the world

G7 trade representatives are convening in Osaka, Japan, today for the G7 Trade Ministers’ Meeting. As global economic connections continue to shift and reconfigure, collaboration is critical to addressing sustainability and resilience in the global trading system. A new interactive tool from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)—which draws on two decades worth of data covering more than 50 economies, 15 major sectors, and more than 100 subsectors across various manufactured goods and resources categories—can help inform decision making around growth opportunities, supply chain dynamics, and other trends that depend on global trade flows. Check out the tool, developed by MGI’s Jeongmin Seong, Olivia White, and Jonathan Woetzel, with contributions from other McKinsey colleagues and academic advisors, and explore more insights on the global flows that connect our world.

Global Trade Explorer

The complication of concentration in global trade

Global flows: The ties that bind in an interconnected world

How our interconnected world is changing

Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains


Bob Sternfels on global flows and value chains: “No region, no country is an island today.”