“People shape places, and places in turn shape outcomes for people.” So write McKinsey’s JP Julien, Duwain Pinder, Shelley Stewart III, and coauthors in a new report from the McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility that reveals substantial differences in overall outcomes for US Black residents across community profiles—as well as substantial gaps between Black and White residents in virtually every county. How can investors, companies, philanthropies, and public-sector leaders devise solutions that are transformative for Black residents and the trajectory of their communities? As Black History Month kicks off, check out these insights to understand the role of community in racial equity, as well as the opportunities that exist to advance outcomes for Black residents.
The state of Black residents: The relevance of place to racial equity and outcomes
Impact of climate change on Black populations in the United States
Advancing racial equity in US pre-K-12 education
Examining philanthropic funding for racial equity across the United States
The economic state of Black America: What is and what could be