Automation, reskilling, and the changing world of work

Technology was reshaping the future of work even before the pandemic accelerated the need for new workforce skills. Indeed, our research shows that trends like remote work, e-commerce, and continuing automation could mean more than 100 million workers might need to find a different occupation by 2030. What should organizations and individuals do to ensure they’re future-ready? Explore a special collection on the future of work for research and innovative ideas, or revisit these insights that look closer at:

  • what technology shifts will mean for kids when they enter the job market
  • implementing successful skill transformations
  • the impact of the pandemic on labor demand, mix of occupations, and required workforce skills
  • why prioritizing automation is crucial to organizations’ success

McKinsey for Kids: I, Robot? What technology shifts mean for tomorrow’s jobs

Building workforce skills at scale to thrive during—and after—the COVID-19 crisis

The future of work after COVID-19

Today’s skills, tomorrow’s jobs: How will your team fare in the future of work?

The imperatives for automation success

To emerge stronger from the COVID-19 crisis, companies should start reskilling their workforces now

What’s next for remote work: An analysis of 2,000 tasks, 800 jobs, and nine countries

Skill shift: Automation and the future of the workforce