Harvard Business Review, a time-honored hub of smart management thinking, celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. To salute this milestone—and McKinsey Global Publishing’s longstanding thought partnership with the magazine—we look back at some of the best of our collaborations, from articles on crucial business topics, to interviews with Harvard Business School authors, to books, and more.
The digital-value guardian: CEOs and digital transformation (2021)
An operating model for the next normal: Lessons from agile organizations in the crisis (2020)
Don't let the pandemic set back gender equality (2020)
Author Talks
David Fubini on hidden truths for CEOs (2021)
Tsedal Neeley on why remote work is here to stay—and how to get it right (2021)
Sandra J. Sucher on the power of trust (2021)
Hubert Joly on unleashing human magic (2021)
We know what you’re reading this summer: Adi Ignatius (2021)
Talent Wins: The New Playbook for Putting People First (2018)
Africa’s Business Revolution: How to Succeed in the World’s Next Big Growth Market (2018)
From the New at McKinsey Blog
Lessons in leadership and well-being from Bill George (2021)
How do CEOs manage their time? The winners of the 60th annual HBR McKinsey Award explain (2019)
HBR McKinsey Award winners: Good management matters more than we realize (2018)
Reverse innovation gets real: Announcing the McKinsey Award winners (2016)