Closing racial gaps in the workplace is good for business, too

Broad trends including labor shortages, flexible work models, and adoption of digital technologies, including automation and generative AI, are reshaping workers’ experiences globally. Though new risks have emerged as a result—including the potential to exacerbate racial gaps—so have opportunities. In Europe, for example, strengthening inclusion of ethnocultural minorities could spur company growth, empower employees, and uplift the economies and communities in which they operate, write Sundiatu Dixon-Fyle, Massimo Giordano, Tania Holt, Tunde Olanrewaju, Dara Olufon, and Sandra Sancier-Sultan in a new report from the McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility. As Black History Month continues, check out these insights on race in the workplace, and learn how companies and other stakeholders can address ongoing challenges to create growth opportunities.

Ethnocultural minorities in Europe: A potential triple win

The impact of generative AI on Black communities

Diversity matters even more: The case for holistic impact

How to close the black tech talent gap

Race in the UK workplace: The intersectional experience

Race in the workplace: The frontline experience

Race in the workplace: The Black experience in the US private sector