Every business leader and CEO aspires to deliver growth, but for many, growth remains elusive. In times of uncertainty, growth is an important facet of resilience; leaders who adopt a growth mindset are better positioned to thrive under disruptions and other challenging situations--and outperform their peers. Outperformers take risks, understand their customers, favor action over perfection, focus on the long-term, and give control to others, according to McKinsey's Biljana Cvetanovski, Eric Hazan, Jesko Perrey, and Dennis Spillecke. Explore these insights to understand how to make sustainable, inclusive growth a reality, and dive deeper into topics including:
- how companies can seize green growth opportunities as we look toward a net-zero future
- the importance of resilience as disruptions and crises arise over time
- the ten rules for creating value-generating growth
- how CFOs and other business leaders can deliver sustainable, inclusive growth
How to build geopolitical resilience amid a fragmenting global order
Four front-foot strategies to help create value in the net-zero transition
Strategic courage in an age of volatility
Choosing to grow: The leader’s blueprint
The Titanium Economy: How Industrial Technology Can Create a Better, Faster, Stronger America
Resilience for sustainable, inclusive growth
Are you a growth leader? The seven beliefs and behaviors that growth leaders share
Sustainable and inclusive growth: A weekly briefing