How to find, keep, and develop tech talent

As digital accelerates, so do organizations’ need for speed, flexibility, reliability, security, and value. And with good reason: advances in technology can enhance productivity, improve outcomes, and increase bottom lines. Those benefits, however, depend on not just finding but keeping and growing tech talent. What can companies do to better source and retain top tech workers? Read our latest insights on tech talent to find out, with topics including:

  • using analytics to identify tech trends and new tech skills needed for those roles
  • upskilling existing talent to enable them to meet current and future needs
  • ensuring the advancement of women in tech by adequately promoting female tech talent
  • giving top tech staff a role in the tech talent hiring process
  • partnering with educational institutions to ensure students receive in-demand tech training

Tech talent tectonics: Ten new realities for finding, keeping, and developing talent

Six practical actions for building the cloud talent you need

How companies can win in the seven tech talent battlegrounds

Building the tech talent pipeline

The importance of talent and culture in tech-enabled transformations

How tech, media, and telecom winners use talent to stay ahead

Responsible product management: The critical tech challenge

Repairing the broken rung on the career ladder for women in technical roles

The dawn of the FemTech revolution