Hunger is pervasive—and solvable

An estimated 2.4 billion people—almost one-third of our planet—don't have access to adequate nutrition, 811 million people don't have enough food, and one-third of the world’s food is wasted annually. Saving and repurposing just half of this waste could feed almost all of the undernourished people in the world. This #WorldHungerDay, revisit these insights to understand how major food banks, healthcare payers, and other organizations are rising to the challenge.

The rising risk of a global food crisis

War in Ukraine: Twelve disruptions changing the world

Author Talks: Food and inequality in America

Patients struggle with unmet basic needs: Medical providers can help

McKinsey for Kids: (Food) waste not, want not

Feeding the world sustainably

How healthcare payers can expand nutrition support for the food insecure

Making a difference with data: What it can mean for food banks

Where are vulnerable populations who may be impacted by COVID-19 across the United States?

More from McKinsey

One million saved meals