Is your organization up to speed?

Business shocks have become the new norm for organizations. Companies need to be prepared and ready to act—and quickly. But in a recent McKinsey survey, half of respondents said their organization is unprepared to react to future shocks. “Those able to bounce forward—and quickly—out of serial crises may gain significant advantages over others,” write Patrick Guggenberger, Dana Maor, Michael Park, and Patrick Simon. Speed within all elements of the operating model—strategy, structure, process, people, and technology—is crucial to outperformance, now more than ever. Check out these insights to determine whether your organization is set up to act quickly and effectively when a crisis strikes—and learn how to build resilience for the changes that are sure to be around the next corner.

The State of Organizations 2023: Ten shifts transforming organizations

All change: The new era of perpetual organizational upheaval

What’s your superpower? How companies can build an institutional capability to achieve competitive advantage

Rewired to outcompete

Strategy at the speed of digital

How to move fast: Innovation at speed and scale

In search of speed: A new way for retailers to organize

Five Fifty: The need for speed

You can’t move too fast: A conversation with Andy Penn


The age of speed: How to raise your organization’s metabolism