McKinsey in global media: Productivity, generative AI, and more

Did you know that McKinsey authors offer their perspectives in global media on a regular basis? Since 2021, leading global business and industry newspapers, magazines, and industry publications have published more than 200 articles by McKinsey authors. These range from an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal by managing partner Bob Sternfels on why McKinsey engages with high-emissions companies, to specialized articles for trade outlets. The goal is to enable conversations and bring McKinsey thinking to a wider audience.

Every quarter, we will curate a selection of op-eds from the previous three months. Here are some highlights from 2024.

We spent nearly a year building a generative AI tool. Here are the 5 (hard) lessons we learned
Fast Company
By Kitti Lakner and Erik Roth

India must raise productivity for sustainable and inclusive growth (India)
By Rajat Dhawan

Gen AI and pharma: The future is now
By Alex Devereson and Delphine Zurkiya

Put marketing at the core of your growth strategy (HBR)
Harvard Business Review
By Marc Brodherson, Jennifer Ellinas, Ed See, and Robert Tas

America’s productivity growth is recovering to pre-Great Financial Crisis rates. Europe has more work to do
By Chris Bradley, Jan Mischke, and Olivia White

Built to last: Why companies should be building more new businesses (Singapore)
The Business Times
By Vivek Lath and Sujin Saj