Planting the seeds of progress with stakeholder capitalism

Two years ago, the Business Roundtable released its Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation, a commitment signed by 181 CEOs to lead their companies for the benefit of all stakeholders. In the wake of the global pandemic and societal outcry for racial justice, consumers, employees, and society at large are expecting more from organizations than ever. To build trust and deliver value to multiple stakeholders, explore our special collection on corporate purpose and dive deeper on key topics, including:

  • The case for stakeholder capitalism and building long-term value
  • How to help your employees find their purpose
  • The role of large companies in the economy

The case for stakeholder capitalism

Stakeholder capitalism: A conversation with Vivian Hunt and Paul Polman

From principle to practice: Making stakeholder capitalism work

More than a mission statement: How the 5Ps embed purpose to deliver value

From there to here: 50 years of thinking on the social responsibility of business

The search for purpose at work

Help your employees find purpose—or watch them leave

Purpose, not platitudes: A personal challenge for top executives

A new look at how corporations impact the economy and households

COVID-19 has revived the social contract in advanced economies—for now. What will stick once the crisis abates?

Purpose at McKinsey

2020 Social Responsibility Report