Recent insights from Bob Sternfels

McKinsey’s global managing partner Bob Sternfels, just re-elected for his second term, is also a leading contributor to our published insights—particularly in the areas most vital to navigating today’s toughest-ever operating environment. “The thing that gives me the most energy every day is thinking about how I can help our clients,” Bob said when he was starting his first term as global managing partner in 2021. Check out these recent insights from Bob on how McKinsey is an “insights to impact” partner to its clients.

Seizing the momentum to build resilience for a future of sustainable inclusive growth

The Global Cooperation Barometer 2024

A devilish duality: How CEOs can square resilience with net-zero promises

Space: The missing element of your strategy

Strategic courage in an age of volatility

Resilience for sustainable, inclusive growth

The economic state of Black America: What is and what could be