The IoT is revolutionizing what your business can do

Practically any physical device can be embedded with sensors or software that collect and transmit data without needing human intervention. From the fitness trackers we wear to the fleet-management solutions that tell us when our packages will arrive, the IoT is now embedded in the lives of consumers and the operations of enterprises and governments. The implications are profound: By 2030, the IoT could enable between $5.5 trillion and $12.6 trillion in value globally—but capturing this value depends on establishing interoperability and easing cybersecurity concerns. Check out these insights to learn how to leverage 5G, digital manufacturing, and more facets of the IoT’s rapid evolution.

IoT comes of age

IoT value set to accelerate through 2030: Where and how to capture it

Laying the foundation to accelerate the enterprise IoT journey

A manufacturer’s guide to scaling Industrial IoT

Connected world: An evolution in connectivity beyond the 5G revolution

Industry’s fast-mover advantage: Enterprise value from digital factories

What separates leaders from laggards in the Internet of Things