Working-mom burnout is real—here’s how to combat it

The pandemic brought preexisting inequalities to the fore—and in many cases, exacerbated them. Among them are the structural barriers women and mothers faced, and continue to face, to fully participate in the economy. Forty-five percent of mothers with kids under the age of five who left the workforce during the pandemic cited childcare as one of the reasons they left, compared with only 14 percent of men, partner Kunal Modi said in a podcast episode cohosted with senior partner Kweilin Ellingrud and featuring Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code and CEO of the Marshall Plan for Moms. And fifty-seven percent of women with children under the age of five feel like they’re held back from taking on more responsibility or taking that step-up role or late meeting because of their childcare responsibilities, compared with only 38 percent of men. This Mother’s Day, check out these insights on ways organizations can offer working mothers an equal opportunity to achieve their potential, and learn about what actually works when it comes to fighting burnout.

Meeting the challenge of moms’ ‘double double shift’ at home and work

Supporting employees in the work-life balancing act

Author Talks: Joann S. Lublin on lessons for working mothers, their families, and their employers

The state of burnout for women in the workplace

Beyond burnout: What helps—and what doesn’t

The childcare conundrum: How can companies ease working parents’ return to the office?

Parent, employee, all of the above? Eight working mothers on the realities of post-pandemic life

For mothers in the workplace, a year (and counting) like no other

Married to the job no more: Craving flexibility, parents are quitting to get it

Author Talks: Where are the women who are missing from the workforce?


McKinsey moms: On (stay-at-home) motherhood, connectedness, and support