Forward in Latin America

What you can expect

Interactive learning journey
Workplace skills you can use immediately
Eligibility criteria

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What Forward alumni are saying

The Forward program was a game-changer, equipping me with invaluable skills. Its high-quality content, structured approach, and impactful examples made it highly effective. Since completing the program, I’ve become more adaptable, resilient, and structured in my work.

Daniela, UX Designer

New challenges used to leave me feeling apprehensive, but the mindsets and techniques from the Forward program empowered me to view them as opportunities for growth. I now communicate with greater clarity and purpose while actively strengthening relationships with my colleagues.

Filipe, Accounting Professional

The Forward program taught me that great leadership starts with self-awareness. Since then, I’ve made positive changes to my daily habits and significantly improved my communication, becoming more direct and effective in how I interact with others.

Maria, Learning Designer

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