Medical Affairs

Medical Affairs Insights

Featured Insights

3D render of a biotechnology molecular structure
A vision for medical affairs 2030: Five priorities for patient impact
Real-world evidence: Driving a new drug development paradigm in oncology
Real-world evidence: Driving a new drug-development paradigm in oncology
Real-world evidence: From activity to impact
Real-world evidence: From activity to impact in healthcare decision making
How pharma manufacturers can enhance their medical information teams
How pharma manufacturers can enhance their medical information teams
Medical affairs: Key imperatives for engaging and educating physicians in a digital world
Medical affairs: Key imperatives for engaging and educating physicians in a digital world
Digital R&D: The Next Frontier for Biopharmaceuticals
Digital R&D: The Next Frontier for Biopharmaceuticals
The evolving role of medical affairs in Asia−Pacific: Three imperatives for pharmacos
The evolving role of medical affairs in Asia−Pacific: Three imperatives for pharmacos
Elevating the impact of medical affairs in Japan: Recommendations on performance measurement
Elevating the impact of medical affairs in Japan

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