Public Health in California and select a state
This dashboard is designed to explore health outcomes, access to care, and health risks management across the United States.
The information in this dashboard is informed by data gathered from public and private health sources that is updated annually. For additional information on sources, please see footer sections.
Population Context
Life expectancy
80.9 years
Population race and ethnicity
Average across US states
Medicaid coverage
Percentage of population
Medicaid expenditures
USD per enrollee
Medicare coverage
Percentage of population
Primary care providers per 100K Population
Number per 100k population
Percentage of population
Healthcare workforce
Number of healthcare practitioners and support per 100k population
Outcomes and risk factors in detail
Average across US states
The range on the measurement bar represents the range of values across all states. The lowest value ranked by any state is represented as the lowest value on the bar and the highest value ranked by any state is represented by the highest value. Some metrics are measured in DALYs, which stands for disability-adjusted life years. One DALY equals one year of healthy life lost to premature death and or poor health due to chronic disease or disability.
How do mental health issues and substance use affect the population? Explore the impact of behavioral and mental health challenges, and the provision of specialized services within each state.
Adults with a cognitive disability who could not see a doctor due to cost
Anxiety or depression with unmet counseling need during COVID-19 pandemic
Percentage reporting needed counseling or therapy but not getting it
Drug use disorders
DALYs per 100k population
Grant funding Substance Abuse
SAMHSA grant award per capita
Overdose death rate
Age-adjusted death rate per 100k population
Psychiatrists who do not accept insurance
Percentage of psychiatrists
Alcohol use disorders
DALYs per 100k population
Percentage of the population aged 12-17 that reported having alcohol use disorder
Child abuse and neglect
Number of victims per 1k children
Facilities providing some Medication Assisted Treatment
Number per 100k population
Mental health providers per 100K Population
Number per 100k population
Perceived alcohol risk
Percentage of population perceiving great risk from alcohol use
DALYs per 100k population
Suicides per 100k population
Anxiety disorders
DALYs per 100k population
Percentage of population with anxiety diagnosis in prior 12 months
Percentage reporting anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic
Depressive disorders
DALYs per 100k population
Percentage of population with depression diagnosis in prior 12 months
Percentage of youth with past year depression who did not receive treatment
Percentage reporting depression during COVID-19 pandemic
Grant funding Mental Health
SAMHSA grant award per capita
Opioid prescriptions
Prescriptions dispensed per 100 persons
Perceived marijuana risk
Percentage of total population perceiving great risk from marijuana use
Substance use disorders
Percentage of population with substance use disorder diagnosis in prior 12 months
Methodology and Data Dictionary
This dashboard is a tool for users to explore public health outcomes and key performance indicators across the United States as collected and tracked by the sources cited below.
Data sources:
American Community Survey; Bureau of Labor Statistics; CDC; CMS Medicare Enrollment Dashboard; CMS Medicare FFS data 5% sample and publicly available data sets; County Health Ranking; HRSA; JHU COVID Tracking, CDC COVID Data Tracker; KIDS COUNT Data Center; McKinsey Vulnerable Population Dashboard; Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment;; Medicare Cost Reports; Medicare Hospital Compare; Medicare Nursing Home Compare; MHA; MHBG Behavioral Health Report; National Cancer Institute; NPPES NPI Registry; Robert Wood Johnson County Health Rankings; SAMHSA; Sample of de-identified submitted claims data from 5 large provider clearinghouses with claims from Commercial, Medicare Advantage and Medicaid; Small Area Health Insurance; United States Diabetes Surveillance System; US Census Data
Data license(s):
Institute for Health Metrics Evaluation. Used with permission.
This dashboard is a summary for general information only and relies solely on publicly available and licensed third party data that have not been validated or independently verified by McKinsey & Company. The dashboard and any outputs therefrom do not constitute, and should not be interpreted as, policy, legal, medical, or other regulated advice, or as a recommendation from McKinsey on any specific course of action. Advice of legal and other relevant certified/licensed experts must be sought prior to any consideration of the issues raised herein
Data from this dashboard is provided under the Terms of Use.
For more information about this dashboard or questions about it, please contact
DALY is an abbreviation for disability-adjusted life year. It is a universal metric that allows researchers and policymakers to compare very different populations and health conditions across time. DALYs equal the sum of years of life lost (YLLs) and years lived with disability (YLDs).
Rankings according to available data from 50 states and D.C.
Visualizations and metrics derived from most recent available sources, 2019.