This is a profile image of Shivika


Senior Capabilities and Insights AnalystGurugram Client Capabilities Hub

McKinsey gave me the freedom to chart my own path and carve out a niche for myself among a myriad of sectors and functions—and I received unwavering support every step of the way.

Invigorating from the start

It’s not often you walk out of a job interview invigorated, but that’s how I felt after I applied to join McKinsey’s capabilities and insights team. Fresh out of university, with an undergraduate degree in economics, I wanted to explore different fields before choosing a specialty, and I was intrigued that McKinsey offered this flexibility.

I joined the firm as an administrative assistant and was soon promoted to a capabilities and insights analyst role on the India research team, while working with the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI). My work with MGI piqued my interest in the public sector and I was encouraged to pursue the work I found most meaningful.

Working in the public sector, we help our clients contribute to the betterment of society and deliver tangible results. In a project for a university fund, for example, we were able to help the institution improve its outreach programs and create opportunities for students who otherwise would have had no access to higher education. I found this so rewarding.

Freedom to choose my own path

McKinsey gave me the freedom to chart my own path and carve out a niche for myself among a myriad of sectors and functions. After working on a few projects for Australian clients, I was eager to do more work in this exciting country, but I lived in India, and I wasn’t sure how to achieve this goal. I spoke to my manager, who simply said, “Make your own path.” And that’s exactly what I did. Today, I am a “go-to” person for Australian-health and -education insights, yet I am based in India, where I can be close to my extended family. It’s the best of both worlds!

My voice is heard

What makes McKinsey an incredible place to work is the people; the environment is diverse and inclusive. I’ve worked with colleagues of many ethnicities, genders, economic and educational backgrounds, and personality types. From extroverts to introverts, process-oriented people to action-driven individuals, each one brings something different to the table. What’s more, colleagues genuinely want to see each other succeed. And the nonhierarchical culture makes it easy to approach leadership, no matter your tenure. At McKinsey you have a voice—and that voice is heard.