At a glance
- Labor markets in advanced economies today are among the tightest in two decades, not merely a pandemic-induced blip but rather a long-term trend that may continue as workforces age.
- Tightness means forgone economic output. We estimate that GDP in 2023 could have been 0.5 percent to 1.5 percent higher across these economies if employers had been able to fill their excess job vacancies.
- Companies and economies will need to boost productivity and find new ways to expand the workforce. Otherwise, they will struggle to exceed—or even match—the relatively muted economic growth of the past decade.
- Actions for companies and policy makers include:
- Focus on skilling and reskilling, including attracting talent from unconventional pools, offering more flexible work, and internal mobility.
- Encourage foreign-born workers with programs to properly integrate them into the workforce.
- Shape retirement policies to encourage people to work beyond standard retirement ages and take steps to attract more women into the workforce, for example, by offering elder or childcare infrastructure.
- Prioritize investment in labor-complementing and labor-substituting AI and automation to unlock productivity.
Labor market tightness is a persistent challenge. Though loosening somewhat since their 2022 peaks, labor markets in advanced economies remain tighter than at any other time over the past two decades. This is not a pandemic-induced phenomenon. Rather, it continues a long-term trend that started in 2010, when advanced economies began their protracted recovery from the 2008 financial crisis.
Shifting demographic forces could intensify this trend in the future. As workforces age and population growth decelerates, countries cannot count on excess workers to power economic growth. Absent concerted efforts to boost productivity or increases in the workforce through higher participation or immigration, many advanced economies will struggle to exceed—or even match—the relatively muted economic growth of the past decade.
So far, the impact of the labor market squeeze has been unevenly distributed. Job vacancies have climbed most steeply in sectors that traditionally have low productivity, such as healthcare and hospitality, as well as those with stagnant productivity, like construction. Without action, labor shortages may continue to hit sectors that struggle to increase productivity.
Tight job markets present both challenges and opportunities. Job seekers find work more easily and may garner higher wages. Yet upward wage pressure can spur inflation and stress businesses, particularly smaller ones. For instance, companies may need to turn down orders because they can’t hire enough workers to satisfy demand. At the economy level, we estimate that GDP in 2023 could have been 0.5 to 1.5 percent higher in the biggest advanced economies if employers had been able to fill their job vacancies.
Businesses large and small will need strategies to confront persistent labor shortages. Deploying and adopting technologies is one way they can power productivity growth. Retraining programs can help workers gain new skills needed as technologies shift, and matching programs can pair people with jobs. Businesses also can expand their hiring pools, including by seeking to attract immigrants and people who might otherwise sit on the sidelines.
Against this backdrop, this article examines labor markets in advanced economies, using 20 charts to illustrate conditions in labor markets today, future prospects, and actions to address shortages. These labor markets range across 30 economies in Asia, Europe, and North America, with a particular focus on the eight largest: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Tightness is the trend
Today’s tight labor markets reflect longer-term trends in vacancy and unemployment rates across advanced economies.
Since 2010, labor markets have tightened across all 30 advanced economies we analyzed. Comparing job vacancies with numbers of unemployed job seekers provides one measure of labor market tightness. The number of job vacancies per unemployed person increased by more than four times on average across these economies between 2010 and 2023, and by almost seven times in the United States.
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A line chart plots 30 lines, starting on the left with mostly low up-and-down volatility and rising upward to the right with higher volatility. Each line represents an advanced economy, and the 8 countries featured in the text are highlighted. The vertical axis shows the number of job vacancies per unemployed person, starting at 0 on the bottom and rising to 2.5. The horizontal axis shows years, from 2000 on the left to 2023 on the right. The lines stay below 1 on the vertical axis until about 2015, when many of the lines rise closer to 1, with 8 of them surpassing 1, including the US, Japan, and Germany. Annotations next to the graph note that in aggregate, the job vacancy rate rose by a multiple of 4.2, and the individual multiples for the 8 highlighted countries ranged from 2.3 to 6.7.
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Labor shortages have appeared across a diverse group of countries that have no apparent common features other than their stage of development. Tightness is particularly acute in seven countries—the Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, and the United States—that have more vacancies than unemployed workers. Together these countries account for 53 percent of the total labor supply of the 30 advanced economies in our research, and 64 percent of collective GDP. In another seven countries, the number of job vacancies is 0.5 to 1.0 times the number of unemployed workers. Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom are in this group.
But not all large economies have labor shortages. For example, labor markets in France and Italy remain relatively slack, as they do in 14 other countries among the 30. This group collectively accounts for 31 percent of total labor supply and 20 percent of total GDP. Yet even in most of these places, labor markets have tightened. Vacancies per unemployed person have increased by five times in Italy and by almost four times in France.
The tightening trend began after the 2008 financial crisis, when job vacancies were dwarfed by a vast number of unemployed people. The recovery was slow: labor markets in these 30 economies took 8.2 years on average to reach the degree of tightness they had before the crisis.
The desire to hire carried on apace, and labor markets continued to tighten until the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in early 2020. During the pandemic, many labor markets oscillated, first to extreme looseness and then to extreme tightness. Generous fiscal stimulus measures during the crisis fueled a comparatively fast job recovery, and by 2022, labor markets had achieved the highest ratio of job vacancies to unemployed people in two decades. Today, labor markets remain historically tight but have cooled somewhat from that peak. For instance, as of April 2024, the vacancy-to-unemployment ratio in the United States had dropped to 1.2 from 1.4 at the end of the prior year.
Across the eight focus economies, labor markets have retreated from peak tightness during the COVID-19 pandemic toward conditions more similar to the rising prepandemic trend. Only Italy, which had one of the loosest labor markets among developed economies before the pandemic, shows no signs of declining tightness yet. This could be the result of the Italian government’s fiscal response to COVID-19, which the International Monetary Fund estimates exceeded 45 percent of the country’s GDP, making it the most generous relief package among advanced economies. Japan, where the labor market was among the tightest before the pandemic, lags its prepandemic trend, in part because a weakening yen increased costs in the import-dependent economy. Nonetheless, job vacancies remain 1.2 times the number of job seekers.
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Eight line charts, 1 for each of the highlighted countries, plot the same data from the previous exhibit, job vacancies per unemployed person, from 2015 to 2023. The lines mostly rise from left to right, with a sudden plunge and recovering rise over the initial pandemic years of 2020–21. Each graph includes a second line that starts in 2019 and rises steadily upward to the right, plotting the continuation of each country’s 2015–19 trend. The first lines plotting the actual post-2019 data mostly show a return to the trend illustrated by the second set of lines.
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Overall, the appetite to hire continues along a rising trend line, outpacing the number of workers seeking jobs.
Increased labor input drove economic growth in many countries
What was behind the robust appetite for labor?
Since 2010, countries that have increased GDP fastest have done so primarily by adding more workers rather than by improving productivity. In markets such as Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, where labor has been relatively plentiful and consequently easier to hire, companies had a business rationale to add hours and employment rather than tackling the harder job of improving productivity. Countries where labor wasn’t so plentiful—Germany and Japan, for example—relied more on productivity growth to propel their economies, although that did not fully compensate for low labor force growth. In fact, labor productivity has stagnated in many advanced economies, as documented in previous McKinsey Global Institute reports.
Even though all countries experienced a productivity slowdown after the financial crisis, some countries were more negatively affected than others. In Australia, productivity benefited from a commodity boom, while in the United Kingdom, underinvestment in regions other than the southeast may have exacerbated stagnating productivity.
The excess supply of labor has dwindled
In the wake of the financial crisis, many people struggled to find work. In 2010, there were roughly 24 million excess workers, as measured by comparing the number of job seekers with the number of job openings across the eight countries. Today the number of job seekers is close to the number of job vacancies.
However, the degree of excess supply (or no excess supply at all, in some cases) varies at the country level. Labor demand exceeded supply in Germany, Japan, and the United States at the end of 2023. Recently, Germany enacted a law aimed at increasing immigration of highly skilled workers, and in the United States efforts are under way to establish a federal commission to study labor shortages and find ways to address them.
The excess supply of unemployed workers relative to job openings in France and Italy was two million and one million, respectively. While these economies have meaningful slack in their labor markets today, even they have tightened. Their excess labor figures are 7.1 and 5.7 percent, respectively, down from prepandemic peaks well above 10 percent.
The factors that drove labor market tightness also varied across countries. Unemployment rates in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States came down from highs in 2010, while Australia never had very high unemployment. Italy continued to have a relatively high rate of unemployment but also increased vacancies, suggesting either a mismatch or a higher natural rate of unemployment. Meanwhile, demand increased markedly in Japan while its shrinking population constrained its labor supply.
The labor surplus has fallen from 24 million to 1 million since 2010 in eight advanced economies
The number of excess workers dwindled as growth in labor demand outpaced growth in labor supply. Labor forces in these eight countries grew between 2010 and 2023. Propelled by population growth and increased labor force participation that outweighed the impact of aging, 33 million workers in total joined their labor forces.
Over the same period, labor demand grew strongly, fueled by expansive monetary and fiscal policies as these countries recovered from the financial crisis. Employers needed to fill some 57 million additional jobs over the same period, or 24 million more than the number of available workers. Most advanced economies avoided subsequent downturns. This uninterrupted growth in demand not only drove average unemployment down from 8 percent to 4 percent but also created an additional ten million unfilled jobs across the eight economies.
During that time, people worked fewer hours on average, but the imbalance between job seekers and available jobs wasn’t due to that change. From 2010 to 2023, the average number of hours worked per employee fell from 37 to 36, a 3 percent decline roughly equivalent to just 33,000 workers in 2023. Declining working hours affect labor supply and labor demand equally, meaning the net effect is negligible.
Countries today have fewer than one million excess workers in aggregate: the number of job seekers is close to the number of job vacancies. What appears to be a perfectly matched labor market is in reality an extremely tight one, since some degree of excess supply is always the norm—matching is never perfect, and demand and supply are always in flux as workers switch jobs and employers shift strategies.
GDP could have been higher by 0.5 to 1.5 percent in 2023 if excess vacancies had been fewer
Increased job vacancies can constrain real economic output; they represent demand for goods and services that businesses are unable to fulfill. In seven of the eight countries—Japan is the exception—unfilled job vacancies in 2023 were higher than in 2019, before the onset of COVID-19, when they were in turn higher than their median levels from 2010 to 2019.
Unmet demand for labor can be addressed by finding additional new workers or by raising the productivity of existing workers. This can restore balance to labor supply and demand while creating additional output.
We estimate the additional output that would have been produced if labor markets were not so tight by examining the degree to which vacancy rates are higher than a structural or natural rate of vacancies. Structural vacancy rates vary across industries and countries and can even vary over time. To account for this, we compared sector-level vacancy rates in 2023 to vacancy rates in 2019 as well as to the median rate from 2010 to 2019. We find that, depending on the country, GDP could have been 0.5 percent to 1.5 percent higher in 2023 if that unmet labor demand had been filled.
Who’s feeling the crunch?
Employers in some sectors have felt the impact of the labor shortage more than others, and the appetite for physical and manual skills has unexpectedly intensified.
All sectors have higher job vacancy rates today than in 2010
Across economies, average vacancy rates, or job vacancies as a share of total labor demand, increased by more than two percentage points from 2010 to 2023 in the healthcare, leisure and hospitality, and construction sectors. Conversely, job vacancy rates in the financial and real estate sector and the information sector, both high-productivity sectors with well-paid jobs, changed by less than one percentage point on average.
The pandemic hit the leisure and hospitality sector particularly hard as travel and tourism slowed. As restaurants and hotels reopened, they struggled to restaff. In Europe, some hotels hired people with little or no experience, and fast-food restaurants in the United States raised wages and shortened hours to cope with a shortage of staff. Aggregate employment levels indicate that previous restaurant and hotel workers have rejoined the workforce, but they appear to have taken jobs in other sectors.
The healthcare sector has been strained as aging populations have driven demand for these services. The sector had the highest number of job vacancies among the sectors in our research, or 16.9 percent of all vacancies in 2023.
Vacancy rates also markedly increased in the construction sector, in part due to its cyclicality. Demand in the sector began climbing in 2010 after dropping sharply during the financial crisis. Today, strong demand for housing and government spending on large infrastructure projects, such as a €45 billion construction relief package in Germany and a $1.2 trillion package for infrastructure in the United States, have propelled vacancies.
Vacancies have not grown in lockstep with employment
Sectors fall into four groups depending on how vacancies grew in relation to employment: “labor hungry,” “labor attracting,” “labor disrupting,” and “labor efficient”.
Labor shortages have had the biggest impact on labor-hungry sectors, such as healthcare and construction, as previously noted. Demand for labor has risen faster than the sector’s ability to attract workers. Vacancies have increased in public and private healthcare systems despite efforts in countries such as the United Kingdom to attract immigrants to the sector, and construction is booming in most advanced economies due to housing shortages and infrastructure needs. Typically less capital intensive and more difficult to automate, these sectors added jobs at or faster than the average clip but not fast enough to keep pace with demand. In Canada, for instance, a recent House of Commons committee report acknowledged that the country has “longstanding issues with lack of supply of health professionals,” in part due to mental health issues and burnout exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which have led to retention issues. And some Italian construction companies are turning to workforce development programs and partnerships with African universities to recruit and train new workers.
Conversely, labor-attracting sectors like financial and real estate, information, and professional services have also added employment faster than average—they have attracted workers at a faster pace than their demand for labor has grown. In this group, only the professional services sector increased its share of overall vacancies.
Manufacturing is a labor-disrupting sector. Although the sector accounted for a smaller part of the workforce in 2023 than in 2010 across the eight countries, its job vacancies nonetheless increased significantly, especially after 2019. Research by economist Richard Baldwin found that since 2013, the manufacturing sector has lost 20 million jobs globally due to productivity gains from increasing automation. The mix of workforce skills has been changing, as some manufacturing jobs require more customer relations or analytics, and as corporate manufacturing footprints are themselves changing. For example, areas such as semiconductors and electric vehicle manufacturing are demanding more workers as a result of shifts in industrial policy and “friendshoring.”
Trade is a labor-efficient sector, in which productivity enhancements have eased the pressure to hire. As consumer demand has shifted, the retail segment of the trade sector has increasingly automated and digitized, increasing productivity and mitigating the impact of labor shortages. In Japan, for example, convenience stores are responding to staff shortages not only by relying on immigrant labor but also by rolling out technology like self-checkout and cleaning robots.
Sectors struggling with productivity contributed disproportionately to vacancy growth
What explains the differences between the shifting employment share and the shifting share of vacancies? Productivity and productivity growth are crucial factors: sectors with lower productivity and productivity growth had steeper increases in vacancy share. In a growing economy with a tight labor market, low-productivity sectors requiring the most labor per unit of additional output are likely to be most constrained.
Opportunities exist to boost productivity across sectors. The leisure and hospitality sector in the United States provides a case study. In 2021, the sector accounted for 16 percent of all job vacancies, a comparatively big share that was three percentage points higher than its average from 2010 to 2020. The sector responded to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic by automating more processes and raising wages by an average of 29 percent from mid-2019 to mid-2023. Those steps increased the sector’s productivity by 6.4 percent over that period, decreasing pressure to hire and reducing its share of vacancies as its vacancy rate fell to 6 percent in 2023 from a decade high of 11 percent in 2021.
Spotlight: Physical and manual skills in demand
Demand for skill types is another lens through which the impact of a labor shortage can be examined. Our skills taxonomy comprises five broad categories—technological, social and emotional, higher cognitive, basic cognitive, and physical and manual skills, mapped to detailed occupations. Here we analyze skills to understand increased job vacancies in the United States. While some conclusions could be extrapolated to other peer countries, they may not be universally true.
In an era of technological change, the most significant absolute shortage is in technological skills. Occupations relying on these skills, like software developers and other IT-related jobs, have been the hardest to fill since 2015, although the advent of generative AI may restore some balance. The changing skill mix within occupations has already shown up in the United Kingdom in increased references to the need for technological skills in occupational postings.
However, a shortage of physical and manual skills has likely exacerbated recent labor market tightness. Jobs requiring these skills had the lowest vacancy rate among the five broad skill categories, and job vacancies seeking these skills increased most since 2015. This reflects growing demand for manufacturing and repair workers as well as for some types of healthcare workers, like nursing assistants. For instance, Delaware has begun offering tuition assistance and other incentives to attract workers to study nursing in an effort to address a shortage of trained nurses.
The occupations with the biggest increase in share of vacancies are associated with labor-hungry sectors such as food service, healthcare, and construction. Workers in these occupations mostly use physical and manual skills, which in many cases are challenging to automate and, in the case of healthcare occupations, likely to face unabated increases in demand as populations age.
Workers in occupations in which the share of vacancies declined most, by contrast, use physical and manual skills for only a small part of their work. Instead, these occupations, which include management, sales, financial operations and computing, rely most heavily on social and emotional skills. Across all sectors, such occupations are often more highly paid; in some cases, they are likely to be a shrinking slice of the total workforce. Office support occupations could shrink as basic cognitive skills are increasingly automated, while sales is already a shrinking occupational category as e-commerce becomes a bigger part of retail trade and technological changes shift marketing dollars to other channels and assets. Research by McKinsey has found that generative AI might accelerate the trend of automation in both of these occupational categories.
Jobs requiring a high proportion of physical and manual skills often have lower wages. In tight labor markets, wage dynamics shift based on workers’ changing opportunity costs, including options to move into higher-paying jobs. As US labor markets tightened, wages grew across the board, especially among workers in the lowest-paying occupations, and the biggest beneficiaries were workers who switched jobs. Given that the labor share of production is about 60 percent across advanced economies, rising labor costs are highly relevant for employers and policy makers.
Grouping US occupations based on average salaries, the occupations in the bottom half of the income range require physical and manual skills more than 40 percent of the time. Those lower-paying occupations in the third and fourth quartiles by income had the fastest wage growth from 2015 to 2022. The top half of occupations by income require physical and manual skills much less, and just 5 percent of the time among the top quartile of occupations by pay.
Growing the supply-side pie
Labor supply has struggled to keep up with overall demand due to shifts in demographics—and that’s unlikely to change, according to projections to 2030.
Higher participation rates mitigated the impact of aging on labor supply
Even as labor markets have tightened, labor supply has grown. From 2010 to 2023, 34 million additional people joined the workforces across the eight countries, an average growth rate of 0.6 percent a year. The first factor influencing this growth is the expansion of population, both from so-called natural growth, or the net of new births and deaths, and from immigration. The second factor is linked to an aging mix of workers and had the opposite impact, pushing supply lower. The third factor is increased participation in the labor force, which helps mitigate the impact of aging.
The independent contribution of each of these three factors is clear. Had population alone grown, it would have accounted for 31 million of the 34 million added workers. Aging alone would have led to 18 million fewer workers as more seniors dropped out of the labor force. However, at the same time, labor force participation has increased, particularly among workers 55 years and older. The combined effects of these three factors net to 34 million additional workers.
The dynamics of these three factors varied greatly by country. Labor supply grew fastest in Australia and Canada, driven by strong population growth. Population growth also drove increased labor supply in the United Kingdom and the United States, though more moderately than in Australia and Canada. Germany’s labor supply growth was due largely to increased participation rates, while France’s growth came from both population growth and more participation. In Japan and Italy, the impact of aging has been much more pronounced than in other countries, although for now increased participation has allowed for continued modest labor force growth.
Population growth slowed, despite being buoyed by immigration
A major challenge to labor force growth in the future is that the population growth rate has slowed in all eight countries since 2010 and is projected to continue to decline. In fact, populations in Japan and Italy are shrinking, and, according to United Nations estimates, the German population will begin to shrink by 2030.
Falling birth rates in many advanced economies largely explain their slower population growth. In some countries, immigration has also declined, exacerbating the trend. Immigration could have compensated for natural population decline, or when deaths exceed births, since 2015—if it had been roughly 1.5 to 3.0 times higher than current levels in Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In France, Italy, and Japan, it would have needed to be even higher.
Immigration enables short-term labor supply growth. By contrast, it takes perhaps 20 years for natural increase in a population to affect the labor market, because a baby born today cannot meaningfully work for roughly 20 years. Many immigrants are of working age and so can participate in the labor force today. For instance, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the US labor force in 2033 will be larger by 5.2 million people, mostly because of higher net immigration. Research by the Brookings Institution suggests that an unexpectedly high level of net immigration explains the recent fast pace of added employment in the United States.
Older workers are an increasing share of populations
Beyond their slowing population growth, all the countries in our sample are aging, a trend that will intensify as members of the baby boom generation become older. This creates an obstacle to labor force growth because older people often work at much lower rates, especially past the age of 65.
The proportion of the working-age population, or people over 15 years old, that is 55 years and older increased from 2010 to 2023, and the United Nations projects that that share will grow even more by 2030. At that time, about half of the working-age populations of Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom will be older than 55, and almost one-third will be older than 65. Populations are younger in Australia, Canada, and the United States, where by 2030 roughly two-fifths of the working-age populations will be older than 55.
As countries aged overall, labor force participation among older cohorts of the working-age population increased.
Older workers fueled growth in the labor supply
Even as aging populations pose a potential drag on labor force growth, people have been working more at almost every stage of life in all eight countries. (The exceptions are 15- to 24-year-olds in Canada, Italy, and the United Kingdom, who are working less; similarly, 25- to 54-year-olds in France are working slightly less.) For example, in the United States, shifts in the overall age mix pushed the aggregate labor force participation rate lower from 2010 to 2023, yet the participation rate grew, albeit marginally, in every age cohort over the period.
Everywhere, older people are working longer. The largest increases in labor force participation have been among those 55 years and older (with the notable exception of the United States, where work in that cohort increased only modestly). From 2010 to 2023, participation among this cohort grew 23 percentage points in Italy, 15 points in Germany and France, and 12 points in Japan. This increase in participation rates reflected shifting pension policies and attitudes toward retirement. For instance, Italy switched to a defined-contribution retirement system and increased its retirement age in 2011. And long before the COVID-19 pandemic put labor market tightness onto the global radar, Japanese companies struggling to find workers in an aging society were tapping the country’s Silver Jinzai Centers. These community centers for older people traditionally found retirees to help maintain parks or manage parking lots, but more recently, a wide variety of Japanese corporations are enlisting them to find workers for jobs they can’t otherwise fill.
The shaded bars in the accompanying exhibit illustrate how labor force participation rates might grow if trends in participation rates for each age cohort continue to 2030 in line with the trend set from 2012 to 2023. In the United States, labor force participation rates didn’t change much over that period, but in countries like Italy and Japan, where participation rates have shifted markedly, achieving the past trend could yield significant increases in labor force participation rates.
Spotlight: Increasing female labor force participation boosted labor supply
One component of rising participation rates is the narrowing gender gap. We compared the ratio of female and male labor force participation rates and average hours worked per week to approximate the gender gap in the workforces of our focus countries. We found the gender gap has been shrinking since 2010, more significantly in labor force participation than in hours. About 60 percent of the workers who joined the labor force from 2010 to 2023 were women. In Italy, Japan, and Germany, the narrowing gender gap is due entirely to women participating in the labor force more. In other countries, the ratio climbed as women increased their labor force participation while participation among men declined, by as much as three percentage points in some places.
Currently more women work part-time than men, likely due to different responsibilities in the household. Improving labor force participation among women may therefore be encouraged by flexible working arrangements and access to care support. For example, Japan has made progress on its gender gap in part through a set of policies called Womenomics that include providing daycare support and tax incentives to encourage married women to join the labor market. Such interventions could increase the contribution of women to labor supply growth and reduce tightness in the labor market.
Labor supply growth is expected to slow further
Looking ahead, we examined two possible scenarios for labor force participation rates in 2030. In both cases, labor force growth slows.
- A stable scenario, in which labor force participation rates in each age cohort remain constant at 2023 levels between now and 2030
- A growth scenario assuming that trends in 2010–23 participation rate growth for each age cohort continue to 2030
In the stable scenario, France, Italy, Germany, and Japan may have smaller labor supplies by 2030. In fact, even if labor participation rates continue to grow at the same rate as in the past in Germany, Italy, and Japan, their labor forces won’t increase. By contrast, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States are likely to see increases in labor supply under either scenario, although at a slower pace than over the past 13 years, due to stronger expected rates of immigration.
Gearing up for continued tightness
Given shifting demographics, advanced economies will need to find ways to grow labor supply and increase productivity in order to maintain their current level of economic growth, and employers and policy makers can help by taking action.
Concerted actions can improve labor supply and productivity and better match people to jobs.
All labor market stakeholders—employers, market influencers, policy makers, training institutions, and other workforce development organizations—can address labor shortages. Each can act by improving supply, productivity, or matching. Action employers can take include the following:
- Improve their value proposition for prospective talent and talent they already employ. Prior McKinsey research has found that some of the most sought-after talent values flexibility and meaningful work. Providing flexibility, like hybrid working arrangements or flexible hours, and evaluating performance based on output rather than hours worked allow top talent to create more sustainability in work. Training and career advancement opportunities could attract workers to hard-to-fill occupations typically plagued by vacancies. Indeed, companies that excel at training and internal mobility achieve better talent retention as well as top-tier financial performance and more consistent and resilient performance. Companies can also double down on retaining talent they already have by, say, improving internal social connections and investing in and developing high-quality managers.
- Seek talent outside traditional hiring pools. Companies should seek talent in broader, more unconventional pools, including by shifting from credentials-based to skills-based hiring. They can offer more flexible work arrangements for parents and seniors contemplating retirement. Employers could also consider looking at often-overlooked groups, like recently incarcerated workers and those with gaps in their résumés, as potential sources of untapped talent.
- Unlock talent in their own organizations through internal mobility. Employers can address skill mismatches by actively shaping career pathways to help employees acquire new skills and by making mobility and rotation a vital part of company strategy. Fostering a culture of collaboration is essential to helping employees discover and build cross-functional skills, with the triple benefits of improved innovation, fewer skill gaps, and higher employee retention.
- Invest in labor-complementing and labor-substituting technology and operations to unlock productivity. Technology adoption can take center stage on company agendas in a tight labor environment, including a full assessment of the potential for augmentation and automation with artificial intelligence and other technologies at the level of specific occupations and work processes. Occupations in administrative support or food services, for instance, have high potential for automation, while healthcare and management occupations have little potential. Companies can then develop short- and long-term strategies to deploy technology and other process improvements to improve the efficiency and attractiveness of jobs that can be enhanced with automation. To capture the full productivity benefit of new technologies, companies also can invest in reskilling, for example through on-the-job training and coaching, creating centers of excellence to better harness skills within their workforces, and identifying skill gaps.
Policy makers and other market-making participants can take the following steps to address tight markets:
- Make it easier for older workers, women, and foreign-born talent to find work. To increase labor force participation among older workers, policy makers can implement more flexible retirement policies that encourage workers to continue working beyond standard retirement ages. They also can design policies to support working parents, such as establishing a minimum leave and improving access to childcare, two policies that have improved female participation in some countries. The supply of workers outside of the developed world remains large, but foreign-born workers can be an immediate and significant source of labor only if properly integrated into the workforce.
- Support the building of human capital across the workforce. Scaling up reskilling programs and improving access to and the capacity of career-oriented schools will help improve the human capital of the workforce. Policy makers can develop incentives to support retraining and other programs needed to facilitate occupational transitions that often accompany continued technological improvement. This approach could be accelerated by artificial intelligence in some countries.
- Reduce labor market barriers to help match job seekers to job openings. Discouraging barriers to employment, like credentialing and noncompete agreements, as well as improving housing affordability in high-productivity, job-rich regions would allow talent to migrate to where it is most needed and most valuable. Universities and workforce development programs can also work hand in glove with employers to help future employees build skills and find the right job opportunities in an ever-evolving labor market.
Tight job markets are challenging for businesses, yet they also present opportunities to improve productivity and livelihoods. Efforts to engage more workers in fulfilling jobs matched to their skills and enriched with new technologies that improve productivity can yield broad-based prosperity and boost economic growth.