McKinsey Global Institute

2021 turning point: Reinvention and opportunity in the economy of the future

The pandemic has reset the ways we live, work, and do business, accelerating some long-term shifts and setting new changes in motion. In 2021, the McKinsey Global Institute took stock of how the economy is transforming—and the new opportunities now at hand.

Below we showcase 12 of the most thought-provoking charts from our research over the past year. It’s a small sample of the rich insights we’ve found as we consider how the world has changed and the postpandemic economy comes into focus.

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12 highlights from McKinsey Global
Institute 2021 research

Click each card to learn more

In 2022, the McKinsey Global Institute will publish research on the economic shifts needed to achieve net-zero emissions, shifting regional growth patterns, and human capital, as well as new research on sustainable, inclusive growth.

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1. Business shifts made during the pandemic could yield greater productivity

2. COVID-19 has altered consumer preferences

3. Asia’s consumption is rising—and growing more complex

4. Prioritizing health can deliver economic benefits

5. The world is wealthier than ever—but much of that wealth is stored in bricks and mortar

6. The contribution of business activity to GDP per capita has tripled since 1960

7. Intangibles drive productivity and growth

8. Sustainable, inclusive growth can deliver big benefits for the environment, society, and the global economy

9. COVID-19 imposed major changes in the workplace

10. Rejuvenating traditional sectors can be an engine of growth

11. China’s evolving economy requires a different mix of workforce skills

12. Inclusion matters

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