Women’s Health

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As the sun rises behind them, four Indian women dressed in traditional attire stroll along the crest of a desert dune, casting their figures in silhouette.
Report - McKinsey Health Institute
Blueprint to close the women’s health gap: How to improve lives and economies for all
Photo illustration of a woman's silhouette enhanced by clouds
Report - McKinsey Health Institute
The state of US women’s heart health: A path to improved health and financial outcomes
A collection of images of a diverse group of women of all ages and ethnicities, engaged in a variety of activities and professions.
Interactive - McKinsey Health Institute
Bridging the women’s health gap: A country-level exploration
Illustration featuring a silhouette of a woman's head with a sunrise and cloud multiple exposure background.
Report - McKinsey Health Institute
Closing the women’s health gap: A $1 trillion opportunity to improve lives and economies

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