This is a profile image of Maud



At McKinsey, you are in the driver seat of your journey. This comes with tremendous flexibility, but also responsibility.

My Path to McKinsey

After my business studies, I worked in commercial upstream in Europe and the Middle East for a global group of energy and petrochemical companies. I joined McKinsey’s Amsterdam office in 2018. As a generalist consultant, I have discovered a wide variety of projects and sectors within the energy space and beyond.

Charting my own course at McKinsey

At McKinsey, you are in the driver seat of your journey. This comes with tremendous flexibility, but also responsibility. For example, I recently had the choice between an exciting study with great people whom I knew very well, and a less well-known study in a sector that I really wanted to diversify into. Whether you are choosing the type of projects you work on, the people you work with, or the challenges you accept, taking control of your own path is the key to a great McKinsey experience.

Meaningful work with real impact

I recently worked on an energy strategy. We modelled an entire country’s energy system and detailed the critical policy choices that the country was facing. Drawing on McKinsey’s extensive energy knowledge and expertise, we helped assess the impact of pressing policy choices in close collaboration with local ministries and key stakeholders. By making the energy discussion tangible and having the right people around the table, we equipped the country to make informed decisions about renewable energy.

Collaborating at McKinsey

The great perks of working at McKinsey are the people and the way we collaborate together. It’s energizing to see that you can shoot a highly specific question into the community and get responses from around the world within hours. I once sent a quite technical question on a new energy storage technology to our “renewables community” mailing list and immediately got replies from people who were investigating this technology or had worked with it previously.

Outside of work

I like being active and outside¬: in the water, in the snow, or on a bike. This year, a colleague and I pulled together an office triathlon team. Together with 27 colleagues and alumni, we are training for the Amsterdam triathlon. I’m looking forward to the Friday runs during lunch, open-water swim sessions, and spontaneous bike rides. I also enjoy travel, both spontaneous trips and well-planned adventures. I can’t wait to hike the Annapurna Circuit with a group of friends this year.


Maastricht University
BSc, international business

Nyenrode Business University
MSc, financial management