This is a profile image of Joseph Lydon

Joseph Lydon


Helps multinational life science organization drive commercial growth across international markets

Joseph, based in McKinsey’s Zurich office, serves as a key figure in the dynamic landscape of our commercial Life Sciences practice in the United States. Renowned for his leadership, he collaborates extensively with biopharmaceutical companies and life sciences organizations, guiding them toward heightened growth and expanded international presence.

Some of his recent client work includes the following:

  • Empowering companies to enhance global capabilities, driving seamless global market access for pharmaceutical enterprises
  • Formulating European expansion strategies for US-based biotech companies aiming to launch initial products in international markets
  • Strategizing disease area and corporate growth plans to pinpoint business development opportunities, ensuring maximum growth potential through innovation

Joseph is dedicated to bringing much-needed medicines to patients globally. He is also proficient in English and conversational in German. In his leisure moments, Joseph enjoys skiing and mountain biking and is a proud father of two daughters.


How the European biotech sector can navigate turbulent times”, McKinsey & Company, Oct 2022

Building a global biotech: Taking a first-time launch into international markets”, McKinsey & Company, Mar 2022

What’s ahead for biotech: Another wave or low tide?”, McKinsey & Company, April 2021


California Institute of Technology
M.S. and PhD

University of Pennsylvania
Bachelor of Science & Engineering