This is a profile image of Marc-Antoine de La Chevasnerie

Marc-Antoine de La Chevasnerie


Advises companies on their growth challenges and accompanies them in the implementation of their commercial transformations

Marc-Antoine is a partner based in Paris. He is one of the leaders in the Capital Projects & Infrastructure, Marketing & Sales, and Private Equity & Principal Investors practices in France.

He specializes in growth strategies and assists companies in the implementation of their commercial transformations, including pricing, overhaul of go-to-market models, optimization of sales-force organization, management of key accounts, reinforcement of performance monitoring, and optimization of compensation systems.

Marc-Antoine works mainly with B2B companies, often owned by private equity funds, which he also advises on their asset acquisition strategies.

Marc-Antoine is a graduate of École Centrale Paris.

Published work

Investment: Taking the pulse of European competitiveness,” McKinsey Global Institute, June 2024

Accelerating Europe: Competitiveness for a new era,” McKinsey Global Institute, January 2024


École Centrale Paris
MSc, engineering