This is a profile image of Megan Ann Greenfield

Megan Ann Greenfield


Helps healthcare companies drive growth by building innovative go-to-market and pricing models and works with investors to identify attractive companies and transform their performance

Megan is a leader in McKinsey’s Marketing & Sales, Healthcare, and Private Equity Practices. A biotech researcher by training, she brings an exceptional understanding of the technical and business complexities of healthcare to her client work. Megan has extensive experience in designing and implementing pricing and go-to-market strategies, as well as in making efficiency-driven operational improvements. She is adept at helping clients build the processes, tools, organizational structures, and individual capabilities to actualize those strategies.

Megan’s clients include providers (ranging from large health systems to ancillary service providers), pharmaceutical and medical-device companies, and private-equity firms. Her work with investors primarily involves portfolio-company transformation, but she also helps evaluate potential assets for investment.

An advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion in business, Megan leads McKinsey’s diversity and inclusion initiatives—both within the firm and beyond. She regularly presents insights from Women In the Workplace, an annual research study conducted by LeanIn.Org and McKinsey. In partnership with local organizations in Massachusetts, Megan leads executive roundtables on how to recruit, promote, and retain women leaders. She is committed to ensuring that clients and corporate leaders not only understand gender issues in the workplace but also are taking actions to close the gender gap.


The state of US women’s heart health: A path to improved health and financial outcomes”, McKinsey Health Institute, June 2024

Children’s health during the COVID-19 pandemic: What have we learned?,” McKinsey & Company, January 2022

Income alone may be insufficient: How employers can help advance health equity in the workplace,” McKinsey & Company, December 2021

Advancing more women: Executive and organizational accountability,” LinkedIn, December 9, 2019

How to promote more women: Strong sponsorship and debiased evaluations ,” LinkedIn, October 20, 2019

Cracking recruiting: Finding and attracting more women,” LinkedIn, September 4, 2019

Women in the healthcare industry,” McKinsey & Company, June 2019


Northwestern University
PhD, chemical and biological engineering

California Institute of Technology
BS, chemical engineering