This is a profile image of Thomas Delaet

Thomas Delaet


Helps enterprises on their digital transformations by making them a great place to work for engineers

Thomas helps enterprises with digital transformations by making companies a great place to work for engineers. He believes that productive and happy engineering teams are the best way to unlock digital transformation. This typically includes adoption of DevOps and agile ways of working, transformation of IT infrastructure organizations, adoption of public cloud and architecture modernization.

He leads McKinsey’s DevOps work globally and is the author of a number of McKinsey’s core DevOps assets. Additionally, he is a leader of Cloud by McKinsey, focusing on operating model transformation and cloud migration for organizations’ most critical systems.

Thomas is passionate about core-technology transformation. He brings extensive experience to his client work along with a deep, technical knowledge of software development and deployment methodologies, architecture, design, and functioning of large, distributed systems such as cloud architectures, IT infrastructure automation, Unix operating systems, various programming languages, and the inner workings of network protocols.

Examples of Thomas’ recent work include the following:

  • supporting a European financial infrastructure provider on its IT infrastructure operating model transformation and migrating the first set of applications to a public cloud setup
  • helping a regional European bank scale up its agile and DevOps transformation and dramatically increase time-to-market while also achieving 30 percent productivity gains
  • supporting a global financial infrastructure provider on its business DevOps operating model design and rollout
  • executing a cloud architecture design exercise for a European energy company
  • delivering a front-to-back new mortgage solution for a European bank, including rearchitecting and interfacing with legacy systems to move to the cloud
  • orchestrating the turnaround of a retail bank’s failing IT project to deliver new mobile apps and a transactional website

Thomas holds advanced degrees in informatics and computer science. His PhD dissertation focused on the automation of large-scale computer infrastructures.


The state of cloud computing in Europe: Increasing adoption, low returns, huge potential,” McKinsey & Company, April 2024

The power of pace in technology,” McKinsey & Company, March 2024

Ten ‘antipatterns’ that are derailing technology transformations,” McKinsey & Company, July 2020

DevOps: The key to IT infrastructure agility,” McKinsey & Company, March 2017


KU Leuven
Post-doctoral researcher, management of large computer infrastructures


KU Leuven
PhD, computer science
MS, informatics

Sint-Theresiacollege Kapelle-op-den-Bos
BS, mathematics