McKinsey Quarterly 2013 Number 1
Putting time to work
Learn the art of time management and how it can drive personal and professional success. Also, how boards and senior-management teams can engage with each other more effectively; making work more meaningful; and social-media skills leaders need.
Putting time to work
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Making time management the organization’s priority
To stop wasting a finite resource, companies should tackle time problems systematically rather than leave them to individuals.
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A personal approach to organizational time management
Improving the fit between the priorities of managers, their direct reports, and their supervisors—all the way up to the CEO—is a good place to start.
Improving performance through better board engagement
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Board governance depends on where you sit
William George, former CEO of Medtronic and a veteran of ten corporate boards, reflects on common governance pitfalls and how to overcome them.
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Tapping the strategic potential of boards
Too many boards just review and approve strategy. Three questions can help them—and executives—begin to do better.
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Engaging boards on the future of marketing
At many companies, the whole organization is becoming more responsible for customer engagement. A few are extending this thinking to the boardroom.
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Modernizing the board’s role in M&A
Active involvement can help companies capture more value—and develop a competitive advantage in deal making.
Other highlights
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Increasing the ‘meaning quotient’ of work
Through a few simple techniques, executives can boost workplace “MQ” and inspire employees to perform at their peak.
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Six social-media skills every leader needs
Organizational social-media literacy is fast becoming a source of competitive advantage. Learn, through the lens of executives at General Electric, how you and your leaders can keep up.
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Leadership and the art of plate spinning
Senior executives will better balance people and priorities by embracing the paradoxes of organizational life.
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Leadership lessons from the Royal Navy
This branch of the British armed services consciously fosters cheerfulness and nourishes its collective memory. Business executives should take note.
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Battle-test your innovation strategy
Leading companies use war games to focus better on their competitors, while improving the way they identify, shape, and seize opportunities to innovate.
Research, trends, and emerging thinking
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Understanding Asia’s conglomerates
Conglomerates are shaping the competitive landscape in Asia. Would-be rivals must understand them to compete with them.
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Big data in the age of the telegraph
Daniel McCallum’s 1854 organizational design for the New York and Erie Railroad resembles a tree rather than a pyramid. It empowered frontline managers by clarifying data flows.
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Learning from Japan’s early electric-vehicle buyers
About one-third of early buyers in Japan say their next car may not be an electric vehicle. Companies should heed their complaints.
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Measuring the real cost of water
Big savings are available to companies that look beyond their utility bills and understand the broader economic costs of their water consumption.