McKinsey Quarterly 2014 Number 4
Competing on the digital edge
Explores how digitization is transforming everything from the flow of goods, services, and talent to the auto industry to China’s corporations. Also examines ongoing gender-equality efforts around the world, as well as the four essential behaviors of successful leaders.
Competing on the digital edge
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Harnessing the power of shifting global flows
Understand what countries and executives need to know to benefit from the next—and markedly different—wave of globalization.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
A road map to the future for the auto industry
As the sector transforms itself, will the automobile keep its soul?
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Service innovation in a digital world
New digital upstarts are threatening the bottom lines, growth prospects, and even business models of traditional service providers. It’s time for incumbents to innovate—or be left behind.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Redefining service innovation at Starwood
The head of the hotel company’s loyalty program, Mark Vondrasek, describes its approach to technology, guest loyalty, and disruptive new competitors.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
China’s rising Internet wave: Wired companies
After a massive rise in Internet use by consumers, learn why adoption by Chinese internet companies is catching up with that of the developed world.
Tackling gender diversity
Commentary - McKinsey Quarterly
Championing gender equality in Australia
A group of business leaders is redefining the role of men in the promotion of gender equality—and improving the environment for women leaders in their own organizations.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Promoting gender diversity in the Gulf
Companies in the region increasingly recognize the potential of women leaders to enhance organizational effectiveness.
Commentary - McKinsey Quarterly
Women leaders in the Gulf: The view from Saudi Aramco
The oil giant’s most senior female executive recounts her experiences as a young leader at Saudi Aramco and describes its approach to developing talented women.
Commentary - McKinsey Quarterly
Addressing unconscious bias
Does lopsided male representation in media skew our perceptions? Geena Davis believes it does and corporations have a critical role in driving change.
Other highlights
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
From bottom to top: Turning around the top team
A case study of change at Philips illustrates the importance of the “soft stuff.”
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Decoding leadership: What really matters
New research suggests that the secret to developing effective leaders is to encourage four types of behavior.
Commentary - McKinsey Quarterly
Confronting corruption
Policies, controls, and culture must all work together to withstand the inevitable pressures when they arise.
Research, trends, and emerging thinking
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The perils of ignoring software development
Software is a key to market differentiation and value creation for an increasing number of products and services.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Running your company at two speeds
Digital competition may dictate a new organizational architecture in which emerging digital processes coexist with traditional ones.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Brand success in an era of Digital Darwinism
Companies adept at using digital tools along the consumer decision journey are gaining a sizable lead over competitors.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Are you ready for 3-D printing?
There have been false dawns before, but this technology is poised to deliver cost benefits and to advance innovation in manufacturing.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Taming manufacturing complexity with advanced analytics
A chemical maker uses advanced analytical techniques to identify—and seize—opportunities across its value chain. Better collaboration is a side benefit.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Why yesterday’s channel practices won’t win over emerging-market consumers
Latin American consumer-product companies that use sophisticated data-oriented tools achieve superior price differentiation.