McKinsey Quarterly 2017 Number 1
Reinventing the core
Lays out why companies should seize new opportunities in light of digitization, discusses fresh research on consumer decision journeys, and examines firms making strides on board-level gender diversity.
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The case for digital reinvention
Digital technology, despite its seeming ubiquity, has only begun to penetrate industries. As it continues its advance, the implications for revenues, profits, and opportunities will be dramatic.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
ING’s agile transformation
Two senior executives from the global bank describe their recent journey.
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Three snapshots of digital transformation
Financial services, food retailing, and pharma are reinventing themselves in different ways.
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Rewiring Citi for the digital age
Citigroup’s Head of Operations and Technology describes the bank’s efforts to accelerate its digital transition, as well as the importance of having the right talent and agility to pull it off.
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The new battleground for marketing-led growth
In the digital age, consumers are always shopping around. New research shows that hooking them early is the strongest path to growth.
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Being patient-centric in a digitizing world
A Danish pharma company’s strong customer focus and determined digital drive have important lessons for other businesses.
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A smart home is where the bot is
Within a decade, our living spaces will be enhanced by a host of new devices and technologies, performing a range of household functions and redefining what it means to feel at home.
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The dark side of transparency
Executives need to get smarter about when to open up and when to withhold information so they can enjoy the benefits of organizational transparency while mitigating its unintended consequences.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Nokia’s next chapter
The Finnish giant has exited mobile phones and doubled down on its networking business. Chairman Risto Siilasmaa explains why—and how.
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Finding hidden leaders
Organizations should learn to hunt, fish, and trawl for the best talent.
Research, trends, and emerging thinking
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Measuring B2B’s digital gap
B2B companies fall short of their B2C counterparts in key areas of our Digital Quotient assessment.
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The hidden toll of workplace incivility
Research shows that hurtful workplace behavior can depress performance, increase employee turnover, and even mar customer relationships.
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Digital music’s Asian beat
The heady growth of new music-streaming services in the region may contain lessons for other industries.
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Rethinking the oil and gas organization
Organizational choices made during a time of resource scarcity need reexamination when the cycle turns.
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Omnichannel, not omnishambles
Providing an omnichannel customer experience requires companies to become more flexible and responsive.
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An ‘Uber’ for Chinese e-commerce
Logistics companies are struggling to match delivery capacity to fluctuating demand. A new social-media platform could help.
Closing views
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How to accelerate gender diversity on boards
Slow progress in adding more women to boards has dominated the conversation. But tips from standout companies are more likely to inspire others to take firmer action.
Commentary - McKinsey Quarterly
Time for a new gender-equality playbook
The old one isn’t working. We need bolder leadership and more exacting execution.