McKinsey Quarterly 2017 Number 2
Global forces
Connects the dots among global trends that are reshaping your strategic context, offers advice for CEOs on how to become more successful leaders, and explores three cases of digital reinvention.
Your strategy in context
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The global forces inspiring a new narrative of progress
Growth is shifting, disruption is accelerating, and societal tensions are rising. Confronting these dynamics will help you craft a better strategy, and forge a brighter future.
Commentary - McKinsey Quarterly
How GE is becoming a truly global network
The company’s vice chairman describes GE’s efforts to bust silos, boost collaboration, and build an internal marketplace of ideas and solutions.
Thriving in the C-Suite
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What makes a CEO ‘exceptional’?
We assessed the early moves of CEOs with outstanding track records; some valuable lessons for leadership transitions emerged.
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A deal-making strategy for new CEOs
New CEOs typically raise the tempo of transactions at first, then the pace slows down. Is that costly?
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
How functional leaders become CEOs
Limited operational experience is not necessarily a barrier to the top job. Here’s what CFOs and others must do to jump to the next level.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Why effective leaders must manage up, down, and sideways
Strong team leadership isn’t enough. New research shows the importance—for business impact and career success—of also mobilizing your boss and colleagues.
Three cases of digital reinvention
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
The digital reinvention of an Asian bank
The CEO of DBS says it’s not enough to apply digital “lipstick.”
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Insurers’ digital reality—fewer premiums, more competition
Incumbents should consider partnerships and find new value-added services.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
What does automation mean for G&A and the back office?
A lot. By incorporating available technologies, redeploying employees, and reimagining processes, companies can dramatically increase performance and greatly reduce costs.
Other features
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Are you prepared for a corporate crisis?
No one can predict when disaster will strike—but knowing what to expect if it does will buy precious time.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
A case study in combating bias
Following several disappointing investments, the German electric utility RWE overhauled its decision-making processes. Learn how from the CFO who spearheaded the effort.
Research, trends, and emerging thinking
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Three game changers for energy
New sources, mobility, and industry fragmentation are set to disrupt the system.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Mapping the benefits of a circular economy
Most European industries can improve financial performance with specific actions to reconfigure product lifecycles.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Pushing manufacturing productivity to the max
Advanced analytics and lower-cost computing give companies a powerful tool for managing profitability on an hourly basis.
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Spurring digital banking in the Gulf
Regional consumers purchase everything online but financial services. Bankers and regulators need to step up the pace of innovation.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
A digital upgrade for Chinese manufacturing
Executives are enthusiastic about Industry 4.0 but less prepared than their international counterparts to make it happen. A clear road map is needed.