McKinsey Quarterly 2018 Number 1
Games in the strategy room
Shows how companies can unlock big strategic moves to boost their odds of success, why competing in the digital age demands an agile organization, and how to navigate advances in artificial intelligence.
Featured Insight
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Strategy to beat the odds
If you internalize the real odds of strategy, you can tame its social side and make big moves.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Organizing for the age of urgency
To compete at the speed of digital, you need to unleash your strategy, your structure, and your people.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Data as jet fuel: An interview with Boeing’s CIO
It isn’t always comfortable, but data analytics is helping Boeing reach new heights.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Why digital strategies fail
Most digital strategies don’t reflect how digital is changing economic fundamentals, industry dynamics, or what it means to compete. Companies should watch out for five pitfalls.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Why digital transformation is now on the CEO’s shoulders
Big data, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence hold such disruptive power that they have inverted the dynamics of technology leadership.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Competing in a world of digital ecosystems
New players and blurring sector borders are starting to influence the competitive outlook in a wide range of industries. Here’s a close-in look at changes afoot in automobiles and banking.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Resetting the cost base
Technology is creating opportunities and threats for the supplies of traditional industries from utilities to pulp and paper to construction.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
What AI can and can’t do (yet) for your business
Artificial intelligence is a moving target. Here’s how to take better aim.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The four questions to ask when serving on a nonprofit board
Directors need to probe, nudge, and prod to make sure the organization achieves its full potential.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Working across many cultures at Western Union
The CEO of the global money-transfer company explains how it brings in the multicultural voice of the consumer through a broadly diverse team of top executives.
Research, trends, and emerging thinking
Should assessing financial similarity be part of your corporate portfolio strategy?
Businesses with different financial profiles can tax managers and put performance at risk. When divesting isn’t an option, here’s how to manage the conflicts.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
A closer look at impact investing
Impact investing directs capital to enterprises that generate social or environmental benefits. Our findings challenge the myth that this kind of “social” investment yields weak returns that take too long to realize.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Accelerating the diffusion of technology-enabled business practices
New research highlights some of the most important actions available to executives.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Shaking up the leadership model in higher education
Economic pressures, digital disruption, and rising job complexity are prompting universities to seek more “outsider” leaders for their top jobs.
Commentary - McKinsey Quarterly
How companies can guard against gender fatigue
Show you are serious about basics such as mentoring and work–life flexibility—then hold yourself accountable.