McKinsey Romania
Featured insights
The Z factor: Can Gen Z fulfill Romania’s economic potential?
Bridging the gap: Transversal technologies to boost Romania’s resilience
Romanian consumers in budget squeeze as they adapt to increasing uncertainty
Romania’s opportunity to turn sustained growth into long-lasting prosperity
Digital Challengers on the next frontier: Perspective on Romania
How prioritizing health can be a prescription for Romania’s prosperity
Thoughtful digitization can help Romanian companies retain digital customers acquired during COVID-19
A time for reinvention—Challenges and solutions for the Romanian banking system
McKinsey Sustainability Blog
Green business building: Potential and challenges in Central Europe
Working in Romania
A career at McKinsey is an opportunity to work with remarkable people while learning and growing constantly. Our consultants help shape the growth of leading companies and help solve major social challenges—in Romania and dozens of other countries. Developing women leaders is a particular focus, and one-third of our consultants are female.
We offer a variety of career paths, including those for generalist consultants, specialists in McKinsey Implementation and McKinsey Solutions, and research and knowledge roles. We welcome applications from outstanding graduates—in any field of study—from Romanian and international universities.
Our location
6 Matei Millo Street, 1st District Millo Building Fl. 7 Bucharest Romania
Date de raportare pentru McKinsey Romania SRL (“McKinsey Romania”) conform Ordinului 2048/2022
McKinsey România are ca activitate prestarea de servicii de consultanță. Pentru anul financiar încheiat la 31 decembrie 2023, McKinsey România a raportat venituri (terțe părți și părți afiliate) de 11.682.658 USD; rofituri contabile înainte de impozitare de 468.501 USD; impozit pe profit plătit de 348.137 USD; și impozitul pe profit anual datorat de 80.004 USD1. Profitul acumulat (i.e. rezultatul reportat) la 31 decembrie 2023 a fost de 5.408.012 USD, iar numărul mediu de angajați cu normă întreagă pe parcursul exercițiului financiar încheiat la 31 decembrie 2023 a fost de 32.
1 Toate sumele raportate reflectă baza de raportare prevăzută de Ordinul 2048/2022.