Sustained performance depends more than ever on the ability to manage, align, and grow organizations. Too often, critical organizational decisions are made on the basis of instinct and personal bias. OrgSolutions solves that problem by bringing “hard” data, analytics, and technology to the “soft” art of organizational leadership.
OrgSolutions applies data and rigor to the most important organizational decisions.
Our offerings
Organizational Health Index
Put hard numbers and improvement actions on your organization’s health
Design and implement a winning organizational structure
People Analytics
Use advanced analytics to make better talent decisions
Orgsolutions By the numbers
Why OrgSolutions

Proprietary data
Our insights and recommendations are grounded in over 1 billion proprietary data points from more than 1,700 organizations around the world.

Cutting-edge technology
Our powerful technologies enable senior leaders to visualize, analyze, and optimize for long-term performance.

Our ~430 global experts work side-by-side with senior leaders from the world's top organizations to turn analysis into lasting business impact.
Up to 3x higher
stock market performance
Up to 50% reduction
in voluntary attrition
15-30% reduction
in management-layer costs
Featured Insights
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The yin and yang of organizational health
Sustained performance over the long term and successful transformation in the near term require many of the same ingredients.
Attracting and retaining the right talent
The best workers do the best and the most work. But many companies do an awful job of finding and keeping them.
What every leader needs to know about organizational management
Leaders of organizations should beware chasing the next shiny object and instead focus on practical, time-tested topics that...