Our People

Ingo Aghte
Specialises in operations transformations in process industries and utilities
Sid Azad
Advises banks, asset managers, and life insurers across Europe on retail banking, private banking, and wealth management, particularly...
Tera Allas, CBE
Director of Research and EconomicsLondon
Leads economic and business research on growth, productivity, innovation, technology adoption, and outcome measurement
Anita Balchandani
Senior PartnerLondon
Leads our apparel, fashion, and luxury work in EMEA, with deep expertise in multichannel and digital transformation
Anutosh Banerjee
Leads our financial work and brings expertise in strategy, business building, and transformation in financial services. Advises...
Richard Bartlett
Helps medtech companies achieve rapid and sustained performance improvement and unlock new growth opportunities on the back of...
Alex Beauvais
Leads our healthcare analytics group that is central to our healthcare consulting work, and helps clients develop their own healthcare...
Michael Birshan
Senior PartnerLondon
Global coleader of our Strategy & Corporate Finance Practice, partnering with bold and determined leaders to set strategy, transform...
Giorgio Bresciani
Senior PartnerLondon
Leads McKinsey’s Oil & Gas Practice globally, serving clients to improve their performance.
Guillaume Cazalaa
Serves clients in the private equity, business services, and technology sectors
Kapil Chandra
Senior PartnerLondon
Provides leading clients in the banking and insurance sectors with deep expertise in large-scale financial and strategic transformations...
Neil Christie
Leads our RTS Practice and operational-transformation and financial-restructuring programmes in energy and materials across Europe,...
Biljana Cvetanovski
Advises consumer-facing clients on marketing strategy and growth with deep expertise in how to deliver sustainable growth through...
Peter Dahlstrom
Senior PartnerLondon
Global Head of McKinsey’s Alliances & Acquisitions, and serving leading institutions, predominantly in the telecommunications,...
Eoin Daly
Senior PartnerLondon
Leads our Public Sector Practices in the UK & Ireland, advising companies and governments on delivering performance transformations...
Zara Davis
Unlocks the power of data and machine learning to help leaders transform their organisations and improve performance
Alex Devereson
Advises bio-pharmaceutical companies and investors on innovation and growth through holistic R&D transformations and at-scale...
Daniele Di Mattia
Advises software companies on strategy and go-to-market transformation
Jonathan Dimson
Senior PartnerLondon
Leads McKinsey's Social, Healthcare, and Public Sector Practice in Europe and focuses on helping organizations to restructure,...
Carly Donovan
Unlocks strategic and sustainable growth through data and analytics for consumer-goods and media clients
Boudewijn Driedonks
Leads growth transformations for B2B companies and improves the thinking on sales and marketing strategies. Is a leader of the...
Liz Ericson
Serves consumer-facing organisations on digital projects, including omnichannel strategy, organisation, marketing, and product...
Pavlos Exarchos
Senior PartnerLondon
Leads our work with retail and consumer goods companies in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, helping clients build world-class...
Fernando Figueiredo
Helps established and fast-growing companies transform and grow their businesses through digital and analytics. Leads Leap by...
Elizabeth Foote
Advises industrial companies across energy, resources, and infrastructure on transformation with a particular focus on the energy...
Julien Gagnon
Advises on private-equity and principal-investor projects across the investment cycle in Europe, North America, and Africa with...
Emma Parry
Leader of the Strategy & Corporate Finance Practice in the United Kingdom; helps public- and private-sector clients set sustainable...
Carlo Giovine
Coleads McKinsey’s work with QuantumBlack through innovation and excellence in machine learning and artificial intelligence
Andrew Goodman
Senior PartnerLondon
Serves companies, governments and investors. He works with clients in sectors that are being disrupted to deliver strategic transformations....
Pat Graham
Advises international and national oil companies, oilfield services and equipment companies, and private-equity firms, with a...
Antonio Grimaldi
Advises leading financial services institutions on challenges in strategy, operations, performance, and process design
Neira Hajro
Uses digital and analytics to transform and build new businesses as a leader of McKinsey Digital in Europe
Christopher Handscomb
Leads our work globally on organisation for players in the energy industry, and supports companies across sectors on enterprise-wide...
Stephanie Hauser
Senior PartnerLondon
Co-leads McKinsey’s Global Banking & Securities Practice and our banking work across the European region. Stephanie serves clients...
Wesley Hayes
Senior PartnerParis
Advises private equity and principal investors across the investment cycle in Europe and North America; has extensive experience...
Tania Holt
Senior PartnerLondon
Global coleader of McKinsey’s Public & Social Sector Practices. Advises governments, philanthropists, development agencies, multinationals,...
Sara Hudson
Works with consumer companies on strategy, growth, marketing and sales, M&A, and responses to disruption, and with private equity...
Focko Imhorst
Leads our work in sustainability along the full construction value chain with a focus on infrastructure and real estate, enhancing...
Barbara Jeffery
Specializes in using people and organizational performance levers to reshape organizations and workforces to unlock value for...
Matt Jochim
Serves consumer-packaged-goods and retail clients on issues, such as the optimization of selling, general, and administrative...
Orsi Jojart
Associate PartnerLondon
Deploys the power of data, digital capabilities, and agile culture to help clients drive growth
Tomas Jones
Helps large financial institutions define digital strategies and deliver end-to-end digital transformations at scale
Megha Kansal
Senior PartnerLondon
A co-leader in McKinsey’ Global payment practice, focusing on the retail banking sector, advanced analytics, as well as a major...
Thomas Kansy
Leads our work on carbon markets globally; helps corporations decarbonize and investors find value within the climate ecosystem,...
Nayur Khan
Helps organizations build capabilities to industrialize and scale artificial intelligence to improve performance
Rehana Khanam
Drives large-scale performance improvement and capability-building programs as a leader of our operations work
Dieter Kiewell
Senior PartnerLondon
Translates pricing innovations into profit gains in a broad array of sectors and businesses
Sandhosh Kumar
Leads Leap by McKinsey in the United Kingdom; helps companies with growth agendas by launching new businesses and propositions...
Ketan Kumar
Advises pharmaceutical and healthcare clients on the design and implementation of major performance transformations driven by...
Brian Ledbetter
Senior PartnerLondon
Provides deep expertise in business technology, IT architecture and strategy and operations for clients in the financial services...
Matthieu Lemerle
Senior PartnerLondon
Supports corporate and investment banks, brokers, and exchanges as they optimize their operations to achieve sustainable productivity...
Cindy Levy
Senior PartnerLondon
Helps global financial firms on multiyear agendas related to strategy, transactions, organization, risk management, culture,...
Chris Llewellyn
Senior PartnerLondon
Co-leads our work globally in the life sciences, biopharma, medical products and health technology spaces
Emma Loxton
Works with companies across the travel and defense industries to build and deliver strategies and improve commercial performance...
Peter Mannion
Supports clients in developing and delivering sustainability-related strategies, with a focus on corporate climate strategy,...
Al Marshall
Brings over 20 years of rapid financial and operational improvement through his experience at board and executive-level roles...
David Meredith
Extensive experience in health-system development in emerging economies
Daniel Mikkelsen
Senior PartnerLondon
Senior partner in our Financial Services, McKinsey Sustainability, and Risk & Resilience Practices; heads McKinsey Sustainability’s...
Jessica Moulton
Senior PartnerLondon
Helps multinational consumer-packaged-goods, retail, and food-service companies pursue strategic growth opportunities and strengthen...
Philipp Nattermann
Senior PartnerLondon
Works extensively with telecommunications and media companies on addressing the challenges arising out of market transition to...
Robin Nuttall
Robin is a global leader in McKinsey’s ESG and Regulatory service line, and serves clients on these topics across a range of...
Tunde Olanrewaju
Managing Partner, UK, Ireland and IsraelLondon
As managing partner of McKinsey’s UK, Ireland and Israel offices, Tunde brings deep experience in supporting a range of financial...
José María Ostos
Supports clients in the retail and institutional health markets and leads operational transformations for pharmaceutical and...
Neil Pearse
Supports organizations to achieve the sustained behavior changes needed to accomplish their long-term strategic ambitions, through...
Aleksander Petrov
Senior PartnerLondon
Leads our work in risk advanced analytics in Europe, bringing deep expertise to financial services institutions and corporate...
James Polyblank
Helps financial-services organizations transform with a particular focus on commercial lines insurance
Anders Rasmussen
Senior PartnerLondon
Brings expertise in corporate finance and risk management to oil and industrial companies, helping them prepare for growth and...
David Rockhill
Serves organizations in the infrastructure, real estate, and construction sectors on strategy and operations
Tamim Saleh
Senior PartnerLondon
Pushes the cutting edge of advanced analytics to guide business transformations and boost the effectiveness of strategic decision...
Manu Saxena
Advises banks, private equity investors, and financial data, infrastructure, and technology providers globally with a focus on...
Ruben Schaubroeck
Senior PartnerLondon
Leads Telecom, Media and Technology Practice for Europe; helps companies transform their core business and build new businesses,...
Max Schlichter
Designs and leads supply-chain transformations for pharmaceutical, consumer-goods, agriculture, and chemical clients
Ben Sheppard
Ben leads McKinsey Design in EMEA and the firm's global research on design. He advises clients on creating bold new products...
Virginia Simmons
Senior PartnerLondon
Virginia brings deep experience in supporting retailers, banks, and other customer-facing firms to drive growth, harness new...
Kate Smaje
Senior PartnerLondon
Serves consumer-facing companies on digitally enabled strategy, marketing, operational, and organizational initiatives that will...
Gisa Springer
Co-leads McKinsey's work in Green Business Building (GBB) in Europe, bringing deep expertise in strategy, corporate ventures,...
Natasha Stern
Works with clients in the private and public sectors on strategy, performance transformation, and deploying the power of digital...
Yoshi Takanuki
Senior PartnerLondon
Helps manufacturing companies shape their strategy and transform their operating model, applying operations expertise to unleash...
Shail Thaker
Senior PartnerLondon
Leads McKinsey’s Northern European hub of the Life Sciences Practice and the firm’s global healthcare organisation and enterprise...
Bogdan Toma
Works with leading consumer companies to define and deliver growth strategy and coleads the Growth, Marketing & Sales Practice...
Tom Welchman
Leads digital and analytics assets for the People & Organizational Performance Practice; helps executives design and implement...
Niels Van der Wildt
Helps technology and transformation leaders modernize their organizations, technology architecture, and software engineering...
Tom Youldon
Tom co-leads McKinsey’s work in developing ecosystems and heads our Client Capabilities Network in Europe. He specializes in...
Leda Zaharieva
Advises insurers, wealth managers, and private equity and principal investors in the UK and Continental Europe, with extensive...

Gender Parity

UK gender pay gap report 2018

UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

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