This is a profile image of Thuy


Language Assistant, Ho Chi Minh City

I find our work in the public and social sectors to be very meaningful. It is so rewarding to see tangible social impact from our work.

My Path to McKinsey

I first joined McKinsey in 2011 as a recent university graduate. I didn’t know much about how a consulting firm worked. My first project was amazing; the client work was challenging but interesting, and I had access to all the resources I needed. Most of all, the team included smart, passionate, and dedicated people. I was hooked.

At some point, I became curious about life outside of McKinsey. I left in 2015. During my gap year, I experienced a lot but always missed McKinsey—the people, work, culture. So, I returned in 2016.

Always learning at McKinsey

At McKinsey, everyone embraces a learning culture. The firm invests heavily in knowledge development and sharing on a global scale. Even at the project level, teams encourage and support on-the-ground learning. Colleagues push you to reach your highest potential while also being extremely supportive. Learning materials and coaches are available at all times. And with the wide range of work here, you can broaden the scope of your learning or deep dive into any particular topic.

Rewarding, meaningful work experiences

In addition to traditional strategy engagements, we do a lot of implementation work. It’s amazing to watch the transformation in clients as new capabilities and skills are built on a daily or weekly basis. This means that once the project is over, we feel confident that the impact will be sustained.

Advice to those considering McKinsey

Just go for it. You will never regret any time spent at McKinsey. You can be your true self in a very diverse company where all people are respected. Once you demonstrate your strengths and commitment, you can explore new opportunities as someone is always willing to support your growth. There are endless opportunities to create impact in so many exciting ways.


Foreign Trade University
BSc, business English