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Monthly Highlights, August 2019
Editor’s choice
Asia’s future is now
Asia’s future is now
Asia is on track to account for 50 percent of global GDP and 40 percent of global consumption by 2040—a real shift in the world’s center of economic gravity.
Understand the evolution  >
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A better way to lead large-scale change
A better way to lead large-scale change
By methodically putting equal emphasis on the hard and soft elements of leading change, organizations can more than double their odds of success. more
China and the world: A changing relationship
China and the world: A changing relationship
A great deal of value could be at stake, depending on whether there is more or less engagement. Businesses will need to adjust. more
Cybersecurity: Linchpin of the digital enterprise
Cybersecurity: Linchpin of the digital enterprise
As companies digitize businesses and automate operations, cyberrisks proliferate; here’s how cybersecurity organizations can support a secure digital agenda. more
Bias busters: Knowing when to kill a project
Bias busters: Knowing when to kill a project
You’re keen on encouraging innovation and letting a thousand flowers bloom, but how do you sort the weeds from the seeds? more
The future of work in America: People and places, today and tomorrow
The future of work in America: People and places, today and tomorrow
The health of local economies today will affect their ability to adapt and thrive in the automation age. more
Admit it, your investments are stuck in neutral
Admit it, your investments are stuck in neutral
Companies that know how to shift critical resources where and when they’re needed share common traits, according to new research. Rigor is the first one. more
Homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area: The crisis and a path forward
GDPR compliance since May 2018: A continuing challenge
Creating high-performance innovation teams at scale
Designing an agile transformation in pharma R&D
McKinsey Classics
A basic tool for investment decisions
A basic tool for investment decisions
To change your mind-set from “fear uncertainty and minimize investment” to “gain from uncertainty and maximize learning,” read our classic “The real power of real options” (2000).
Price your options  >
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