B2B decision-maker preferences and behaviors have shifted dramatically since the onset of COVID. The GTM revolution is here and B2B sales is forever changed.
- The tide has turned: digital self-serve and remote rep interactions are likely to be the dominant elements of the B2B go-to-market model going forward, when selling to both SMBs and large enterprises
- Don’t count on returning to a pre-COVID-19 level of in-person sales coverage, as only 20–30% of B2B buyers want to ever interact with reps in person even in their ideal/post-COVID-19 model
- Around 90% of B2B decision makers expect the remote and digital model to stick around for the long run, and around 70% believe the new model is as effective or more so than before COVID-19 (for both existing customers and prospects)
- 95% of B2B buyers claim they will make a purchase in an end-to-end, digital self-serve model, with the vast majority very comfortable spending $50K or more online
- Videoconference connections are critical and are preferred over audio/phone by 2 out of 3 of B2B buyers
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