August 2017
The work of leaders in a lean management enterprise
Learn what successful lean leaders do to integrate new technologies and approaches, and to ensure that the practices that support continuous improvement also improve continuously.
The continuous improvement leader: Engaging people for a digital age
Lean management creates enormous value, but improvement that’s truly continuous is often elusive. Innovation in fields such as digital and IT make it more urgent, achievable, and human.
Sustaining continuous improvement: Five leaders’ views
We asked five executives with decades of experience in lean management about the most important lessons they learned in helping their organizations sustain continuous improvement.
Integrate new technologies and approaches
Transforming operations management for a digital world
When combined, digital innovation and operations-management discipline boost organizations’ performance higher, faster, and to greater scale than has previously been possible.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
ING’s agile transformation
Two senior executives from the global bank describe their recent journey.
Speed and scale: Unlocking digital value in customer journeys
Even as organizations assemble digital building blocks for the long term, they also need short-term, pragmatic moves that meet customer expectations and protect core businesses today.
How to start building your next-generation operating model
Each company’s path to a new operating model is unique. But successful transformations are all constructed with the same set of building blocks.
The next acronym you need to know about: RPA (robotic process automation)
RPA is a promising new development in business automation that offers a potential ROI of 30–200 percent—in the first year. Employees may like it too.
Drive the management system
Holding a mirror to the management system: How mature is it?
To keep its performance improving, an enterprise must keep its management system improving, too. A regular, rigorous cycle of assessing itself reveals actions that help make the system more mature.
Advancing lean leadership
Transforming an organization’s performance usually means changing its culture—and that means its leaders must change how they lead.
Continuous improvement—make good management every leader’s daily habit
Continuous improvement at scale—across a whole enterprise—requires management discipline at scale. At a few organizations, digital innovation is helping managers make a daily habit of good discipline.
Getting better than the tools we’d been taught: Lean and people
An auto-industry veteran describes how rededication to lean-management principles—especially to fostering leadership at every level—led his organization to new performance breakthroughs.
Bringing out the best in people
Providing good service has never been easy. Meeting rising customer expectations requires companies focus on building the capabilities their people need to make full use of their talents.
A package full of change: An interview with Ian Andrews of Commonwealth Bank of Australia
The fast pace of change in financial services can whipsaw frontline employees. One bank has responded with a new approach that makes change easier and faster for people to absorb.
The value of a single enterprise culture
Transforming expert organizations
Improving operations and client experience in B2B organizations is hard because they rely so heavily on highly skilled experts. But those experts can also be the source of a solution.
A new order for law
One law firm’s story shows how lean management can transform even the most complicated, tradition-bound, and intellectually demanding of businesses.
Purchasing power: Lean management creates new value in procurement
Lean management is about much more than cost reduction, making it a powerful set of disciplines for increasing purchasing’s effectiveness.
Transforming HR and culture: An interview with Banco de Crédito del Perú’s Bernardo Sambra
An HR leader describes how an effort to increase his bank’s efficiency meant challenging the bank’s culture—and himself.
Mining for leadership with lean management
Three executives at one of the world’s most unusual mining operations describe how even in a highly unpredictable context, lean management improves not just productivity, but also how people lead.