Applying Lean IT creates significant impact without being capital intensive.
IT has reached an unprecedented level of complexity, and organizations heavily reliant on IT risk greater variability in performance and significantly lower customer satisfaction. The Lean continuous-improvement methodology addresses these challenges.
What we do
Our application of lean methodology takes an end-to-end view, starting with the IT customer. This ensures that improvement occurs across all IT processes. Our approach has proven to have significant and lasting impact for both providers and insourcers.
We focus on the four core elements of balanced performance improvement:
- Operating practices: We use a proven set of levers to enhance the way physical assets and resources are configured and optimized to create value and minimize losses.
- Management systems: We optimize the structures, processes, and systems through which performance is managed to deliver business objectives.
- Mindsets and behaviors: We focus on how to change the way people think, feel, and conduct themselves in the workplace.
- Organization and capabilities: We ensure the organization enables and sustains the transformation and that individuals have the skills and knowledge to deliver on their responsibilities.
In our last 50 data center transformations, we have achieved very significant productivity improvements. In all cases, quality of service and employee satisfaction also improved significantly. For example, the average time to restore services has fallen by 50 to 80 percent, and SLA compliance has risen by 5 to 10 percent.
By applying lean principles to application maintenance and development, we have helped clients to improve productivity by 15 to 25 percent, and time-to-market has fallen by up to 25 percent.
We help clients drive higher quality and productivity by taking IT infrastructure, application development, and maintenance work practices and moving them toward a set of consistent standards that drive higher quality and productivity. We bring about real change by working closely with the frontline staff and management teams over 16 to 24 weeks to capture and sustain this impact.