R&D Advanced Hardware Benchmarking

Why use R&D Advanced Hardware Benchmarking

R&D Advanced Hardware Benchmarking
1. Handle complexity
2. Set financial targets
3. Be competitive
4. Identify optimization opportunities

Key Features of the Benchmark Tool

Examples of our work

Our Impact

Featured insights

Smartphones on wheels: New rules for automotive-product development
Smartphones on wheels: New rules for automotive-product development
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Digital twins: The art of the possible in product development and beyond

Featured experts

Carolin Dost
Expert Associate PartnerFrankfurt
Advises advanced industry and medtech clients on development excellence– driving product innovation, financial steering, and...
Anna Herlt
Senior PartnerMunich
Advises companies as they seek to optimize the value of their research and development investments, particularly within the automotive...
Sebastian Küchler
Serves clients around the globe on R&D topics with a strong focus on transformation toward future technologies, efficiency improvement,...
Sören Jautelat
Leading large scale transformation, shaping and scaling new digital businesses. Co-leads McKinsey’s battery acceleration team...

Learn more about how R&D Advanced Hardware Benchmarking can help your organization