MGI Research

Time to place our bets: Europe’s AI opportunity

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At a glance

  • A three-lens approach–on adoption, creation, and energy–is required to assess Europe’s competitiveness in the emerging generative AI (gen AI) economy. While much of the current discourse centers around large language models (LLMs), European policy makers and business leaders must look beyond LLMs. Adopting a holistic approach to capitalize fully on gen AI’s potential could boost European labor productivity by up to 3 percent annually through 2030.
  • On adoption, European organizations lag behind their US counterparts by 45 to 70 percent. Yet this is where most of gen AI’s economic potential lies. With the technology still in its early stages and much of its productivity gains yet to be unlocked, the window of opportunity for Europe remains wide open.
  • On creation, Europe leads in only one of the eight segments of a simplified gen AI value chain: AI semiconductor equipment. Europe is a challenger in three other segments: foundation models, AI applications, and AI services. But it has below 5 percent market share in the remaining four: raw materials, AI semiconductor design, AI semiconductor manufacturing, and cloud infrastructure and supercomputers.
  • On energy, gen AI is expected to accelerate data center power demand, potentially accounting for more than 5 percent of Europe’s total electricity consumption by 2030. Without competitive electricity prices, it becomes less likely that European data centers will host gen AI applications and services.
  • Europe has made major progress in raising AI awareness and setting commitments, but major bottlenecks persist. Policy makers and business leaders could explore several levers, including increasing investments (such as a public innovation procurement in AI applications for healthcare and defense sectors), leapfrogging in emerging semiconductor technologies (such as quantum and neuromorphic computing), and addressing talent retention. Additionally, preparing the workforce through reskilling and mobility programs will be crucial in fully leveraging the benefits of gen AI adoption.

A holistic approach to help Europe realize generative AI’s full potential

For generative AI (gen AI),1 the blockbuster release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in November 2022 marked the beginning of a boom.2 Since then, much of the conversation around the technology has focused on foundation models, particularly large language models (LLMs). In this field, Europe3 appears to be lagging behind its counterparts. However, LLMs are just one part of the gen AI landscape. Engaging on gen AI adoption, creation, and energy requirements can help capture a more complete picture of where the region stands in the emerging gen AI economy.

Most of the value generated by gen AI will stem from organizations’ adoption and scaling of gen AI solutions4—an important consideration in Europe, where labor productivity has been slowing.5Investing in productivity growth,” McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), March 27, 2024. McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) research estimates that gen AI could help Europe achieve an annual productivity growth rate of up to 3 percent through 2030 (Exhibit 1).6A new future of work: The race to deploy AI and raise skills in Europe and beyond,” MGI, May 21, 2024. This potential additional growth will be critical for financing the European model, particularly in navigating the energy transition, solving the empowerment gap, and supporting an aging population.7A better life everyone can afford: Lifting a quarter billion people to economic empowerment,” MGI, May 20, 2024; Mekala Krishnan, Chris Bradley, Humayun Tai, Tiago Devesa, Sven Smit, and Daniel Pacthod, “The hard stuff: Navigating the physical realities of the energy transition,” MGI, August 14, 2024. It could also drive breakthrough innovations that transform daily life, such as accelerated drug discovery, improved patient care, and personalized education.

Generative AI could add $575.1 billion to the European economy by 2030.

In terms of creation of gen AI, since 2022, more than 90 percent of LLM-related funding has taken place outside of Europe.8 Moreover, European companies represent only 25 of the 101 AI models considered notable by the Stanford University AI Index, far behind US companies (which boast 61 notable models). But the opportunities for capturing the economic value resulting from the creation of gen AI technologies extend well beyond LLMs. They are spread across an eight-segment value chain: raw materials, AI semiconductor equipment, AI semiconductor design, AI semiconductor manufacturing, cloud infrastructure and supercomputers, foundation models (including LLMs), AI applications, and AI services.9

Finally, to power the creation and adoption of gen AI, Europe also needs to consider its energy capacity. This is a key consideration, given that Europe’s energy system will be forced by 2030 to manage a rise in consumption of more than 5 percent, triggered by the demand for data center power (accelerated by gen AI).10

To realize the full potential of gen AI, Europe’s business leaders and policy makers must embrace a holistic view of the technology that encompasses the challenges and opportunities posed by creation, adoption, and energy (Exhibit 2). In this article, we describe those challenges, detailing where Europe stands relative to other regions, and provide a series of steps that leaders in Europe might consider if they are to fully participate in—and tap into the value created by—this impressive new technology.

To fully capture the value of generative AI, European leaders can embrace a holistic approach that encompasses creation, adoption, and energy.

Adoption of gen AI: Opportunity remains wide open, but Europe is starting from a disadvantage

The vast majority of the economic value of gen AI is expected to come from its adoption by European organizations. The technology is still in its early stages, and most productivity potential has yet to be captured, so the opportunities here remain wide open. Yet European corporations are moving much more slowly than those in other countries.11

How much is Europe lagging behind? The information here is incomplete, so we sought to quantify it by examining three indicators. First, we looked at external AI spending of corporations, such as the purchase of AI software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions. Since not all AI spending is external—some, such as hiring AI engineers, is internal—we also examined general IT spending, of which AI is a component, as an indicator of IT readiness and a crucial foundation for AI adoption. Finally, we factored in the responses of European executives to the McKinsey Global Survey on the state of AI.12

Silhouettes of three business people drawn in outline of digital lines.

A new future of work: The race to deploy AI and raise skills in Europe and beyond

We analyzed the first two metrics both in absolute terms and relative to company sales, comparing them with US figures when possible. This relative comparison helps account for differences in sector size, which would otherwise skew the data because of economies of scale. For instance, the high-tech and software sector is 4.9 times larger in the United States than in Western Europe,13 so we find an AI external spend-to-sales ratio of 0.4 percent for the United States versus 0.7 percent for Western Europe. But in AI external spend absolute value, we find $8.7 billion versus $2.6 billion, respectively, leading to a 70 percent gap.

Additionally, with the two first metrics, figures show that companies in Western Europe lag behind their US counterparts by 45 to 70 percent. This gap exists across all sectors. When evaluating sectors of similar size14 in Western Europe and the United States (for example, advanced manufacturing, chemicals and materials, and construction and real estate), we find that those in Europe lag behind by 45 to 55 percent. For sectors that are significantly larger in the United States than in Western Europe (for example, healthcare and pharma, high tech and software, and media and entertainment), the gap was even more pronounced, ranging from 50 to 70 percent (Exhibit 3).

Exhibit 3
Western Europe lags behind the United States in AI and IT spending across sectors, with an average gap of 45–70 percent.
Western Europe lags behind the United States in AI and IT spending across sectors, with an average gap of 45–70 percent.

Per the 2023 McKinsey Global Survey on the state of AI, Europe lags behind North America in gen AI adoption by 30 percent, with 40 percent of surveyed North American companies reporting having adopted gen AI in at least one business function, compared with about 30 percent for surveyed European companies.15

Creation of gen AI tech: Europe leads in one segment, is a challenger in three, but is almost absent in four

Beyond adoption, Europe’s ability to capitalize on gen AI will depend on its ability to spur the creation of gen AI technologies that spread across the simplified eight-segment value chain: raw materials (for example, germanium and silicon), AI semiconductor equipment (for example, lithography systems), AI semiconductor design (for example, development of high-end GPUs), AI semiconductor manufacturing (for example, foundries), cloud infrastructure and supercomputers (for example, infrastructure as a service and platform as a service), foundation models (for example, LLMs), AI applications (for example, AI-powered software), and AI services (for example, advisory services and implementation).

Europe is currently competitive in four of the eight segments of the value chain: AI semiconductor equipment, foundation models, AI applications, and AI services. However, the region has less than 5 percent of global market share in the remaining four segments: raw materials, AI semiconductor design, AI semiconductor manufacturing, and cloud infrastructure and supercomputers (table):

Europe is strong in four segments of a simplified generative AI value chain and lags in the remaining four.
Negligible (<5%)
Moderate (5–15%)
Fair (>15%)
SegmentDescription European market share in 2023Historical European market share, directional Key data
Raw materials Materials needed to produce semiconductors and their machinery (eg, gallium to make lithography tools)
Stable Europe supplies ~5% of critical, strategic1 raw materials needed for chip manufacturing and semiconductors
AI semiconductor equipment Goods needed for AI semiconductor production (eg, silicon wafers, lithography tools)
Increasing Europe has 80–90% market share for extreme ultraviolet lithography (allows for finer patterns on semiconductor wafers, essential for high-end AI chips)
AI semiconductor design Design, including intellectual property, of semiconductors for AI
Decreasing Europe has <2% share of design of logic semiconductors used for AI (eg, GPUs)
AI semiconductor manufacturing Production of semiconductors for AI
Stable Europe has <1% of world's production capacity of ≤7-nanometer logic semiconductors used for AI
Cloud infrastructure and supercomputers Infrastructure, including basic software layer, needed for computing power and data hosting
Stable European cloud companies have <5% market share, compared with ~85% for US hyperscalers
Foundation models Design and training of foundation models
Increasing 25 notable models originate from Europe, compared with 61 from US
AI applications AI-based software needed to perform specific tasks across various industries
Increasing In 2023, European companies raised ~12% of global venture capital and private equity funding for system-as-a-service AI companies
AI services Services needed to support design and deployment of AI use cases
Increasing Europe has ~15% share of global AI services market, compared with US, which leads with >40%

The near absence of European companies in four of the eight segments of the simplified value chain could result in missed opportunities for the region’s economy. The global market of gen AI technologies is expected to boom, with high double-digit annual growth anticipated over the next ten years.40 This situation could be a challenge to the region’s strategic autonomy, ultimately jeopardizing gen AI adoption and productivity gains. A semiconductor shortage in 2022, for example, hit the European auto industry especially hard, resulting in an estimated €100 billion GDP loss.41 Similarly, insufficient access to cloud infrastructure and supercomputers could limit development and operations of gen AI technologies.

Energy for gen AI: Expected to drive increased electricity demand in Europe amid already-high prices

McKinsey estimates that rising data center power demand could increase Europe's electricity consumption by at least 180 terawatt-hours by 2030–equivalent to more than 5 percent of total European electricity annual consumption in 2023.42 This is driven by demand for data center computing power in Europe, which McKinsey expects to more than triple by 2030 to reach 35 gigawatts of installed capacity. Indeed, data centers are major energy consumers: a hyperscaler’s data center can use as much power as 80,000 households.43Investing in the rising data center economy,” McKinsey, January 17, 2023.

These new demands will place additional pressure on a European power grid that’s already undergoing significant stresses. First, electricity demand is expected to escalate in the region on the back of growing decarbonization efforts and electrification throughout various sectors, with absolute electricity demand expected to increase by 20 to 25 percent by 2030 (from 3,200 terawatt-hours in 2023 to around 4,000 terawatt-hours in 2030, including demand from data centers).44Global Energy Perspective 2023: Power outlook,” McKinsey, January 16, 2024. Also, energy price competitiveness in Europe is low, with industrial-electricity prices some 70 percent higher in Europe than in the United States in May 2024.45 Finally, Europe has the oldest power grid in the world (45 to 50 years, on average, versus 35 to 40 years in North America and 15 to 20 years in China).46 This can lead to inefficiencies in electricity distribution.

On the bright side, this significant increase in electricity consumption could serve as a positive incentive for energy operators to invest in new capacities. Additionally, Europe has an edge in clean energy, with 61 percent of low-carbon sources in its electricity mix, compared with 40 percent in the United States and 34 percent in China.47

How to boost Europe’s competitiveness in gen AI

Europe clearly faces a host of challenges with gen AI, but they aren’t insurmountable. Policy makers and business leaders in Europe can consider several activities to increase the region’s ability to fully realize the potential economic gains of AI when it comes to adoption, creation, and energy.

Adoption of gen AI in Europe

To facilitate gen AI adoption, European leaders might consider the following actions:

Creation of gen AI in Europe

Regarding creating gen AI, winning in every segment isn’t a realistic strategy for Europe. A differentiated approach, based on current strengths, is crucial for the region to stay relevant. Potential steps include the following:

Energy capacity for gen AI in Europe

Regarding gen AI energy, policy makers can strive to ensure sufficient and affordable dispatchable power for data centers while staying committed to Europe’s climate-driven decarbonization goals. Addressing these challenges requires considering local variations in electricity demand and supply, such as the presence of energy-intensive industries and levels of energy independence. In addition to expanding low-carbon electricity infrastructure and streamlining permitting, Europe might also explore redesigning its power market, potentially mutualizing electricity purchases through a single EU or regulatory agency and establishing separate markets for zero marginal cost (wind and solar) and marginal cost resources.67Four themes shaping the future of the stormy European power market,” McKinsey, January 27, 2023.

When it comes to unlocking the full potential of gen AI, Europe sits at a crossroads. Given the technology’s novelty, the adoption race remains wide open. Europe has numerous opportunities to tactically reinforce its positions along the value chain while ensuring that it guides gen AI development by ethical considerations. Policy makers must understand that the stakes here are considerable and extend beyond immediate economic impacts. Europe’s participation in the current AI boom is important not merely for today’s gains but also to secure a foothold in future technological advances. History, after all, can point to examples of the snowball effect of technology, in which pioneering innovations typically emerge from existing industries with related capabilities.68

European leaders can rely on the continent’s strong economic fundamentals to elevate their gen AI ambitions. The region boasts a vast market of 500 million people, a strong industrial ecosystem comprising world-leading companies,69 a world-class talent pool, and an edge in clean energy. All of this provides a strong foundation on which to build an AI infrastructure and turn a strong present position into a leading role in the future.

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