Number 3, June 2017
McKinsey on Risk, Number 3, June 2017
The journal offering McKinsey’s global perspective and strategic thinking on risk, focusing on the key risk areas that bear upon the performance of the world’s leading companies.
Articles in this issue
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Are you prepared for a corporate crisis?
No one can predict when disaster will strike—but knowing what to expect if it does will buy precious time.
The business logic in debiasing
Debiasing business decision making has drawn board-level attention, as companies doing it are achieving marked performance improvements.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
A case study in combating bias
Following several disappointing investments, the German electric utility RWE overhauled its decision-making processes. Learn how from the CFO who spearheaded the effort.
Risk analytics enters its prime
All the ingredients are in place for unprecedented advances in risk analytics. Now it’s up to banks to capture the opportunities.
Living with BCBS 239
The most recent McKinsey–IIF survey on risk data and technology revealed that while banks struggle with the rising regulatory bar, leaders are actually finding business value.
IFRS 9: A silent revolution in banks’ business models
Banks have addressed the technical requirements of the new rules, but what about their significant strategic implications? Here’s how to prepare.
Resolution planning: How banks can tackle legal-entity rationalization in 2017
Here’s a primer on how banks can plot this year’s work.
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