McKinsey Platform for Climate Technologies

Energy Storage

Our approach

Growth ambitions
Future technologies
Procurement excellence
Product rollout
Investment perspective
Business building

Featured technology and tools

Energy Storage Insights
Battery Insights
Battery Accelerator Team
Energy Solutions

Featured experts

Martin Linder
Senior PartnerMunich
Leads the Firm’s Battery Accelerator Team; global colead for the McKinsey Platform for Climate Technologies as well as our sustainability...
Sören Jautelat
Leading large scale transformation, shaping and scaling new digital businesses. Co-leads McKinsey’s battery acceleration team...
Godart van Gendt
Leads work on energy transition with a focus on power and mobility, supporting businesses and investors to identify and capture...
Diego Hernandez Diaz
Advises utilities and industrial companies on harnessing the power of digitization and advanced analytics to navigate the energy...
Christian Staudt
PartnerWashington DC
Supports utilities, service providers, manufacturers, and investors with navigating the energy transition
Jesse Noffsinger
Works with organizations to understand, drive, and prepare for the global energy transition, bringing deep insight into renewable...
Erik Sparre
Advises and serves industrial and technology clients on sustainable and transformational growth topics
Andreas Breiter
PartnerBay Area
Helps clients optimize capital expenditures and material costs while addressing the opportunities ahead as mobility becomes more...

Featured insights

Digital generated image of abstract flowing data made out of numbers and glowing turbulent multi coloured splines on black background.

Demand-based pricing stabilizes the electricity market of the future

Battery storage power station accompanied by solar and wind turbine power plants.
Enabling renewable energy with battery energy storage systems
Tree in the middle of buildings
Net-zero power: Long-duration energy storage for a renewable grid
Decarbonizing the grid with 24/7 clean power purchase agreements
Solar water heating thermal collector system
Net-zero heat: Long-duration energy storage to accelerate energy system decarbonization

Related areas of expertise

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McKinsey Platform for Climate Technologies
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