Our Insights

Aerial view oil refinery and fuel storage tanks at night time.
Improving refinery margins through value chain optimization
Illustration showing various sustainable energy sources in circular pattern.
The energy transition: Where are we, really?
Earth View From Space Full Rotation 360 degrees with the Sun Light, Cities at Night Looped 3d Animation. Dark Planet Turning in Outer Space. Elements Furnished by NASA. Nature, Technology Concept - stock video
Global Energy Perspective 2023
Oil refinery concept shows beautiful scenery of the oil refinery or petrochemical plant under the sunlight in the sunset time for creating the petrochemical industry background. - stock photo
Refinery transactions: A window of opportunity?
Stationary engineer at work - stock photo
The future of European gas: How buyers’ needs will shape the market
Oil refinery - stock photo
Converting refineries to renewable fuels: No simple switch
LNG carrier in the sea at sunset. World Oil and Gas Industry - stock photo
A balancing act: Securing European gas and power markets
Three blue cylinders are standing in the middle of a field - stock photo
The world needs to capture, use, and store gigatons of CO2: Where and how?
Rays of different colors merging in some places, creating a path and mountain shapes
Unlocking Asia–Pacific’s vast carbon-capture potential
A liquified natural gas tanker supplying gas to a floating storage unit ship (LNG FSU) - stock photo
The future of commodity trading
Electric poles with many cables located along rural country road with clear blue sky in background
Smart scheduling for utilities: A fast solution for today’s priorities
Aerial top view of cargo shipping during sunrise, import export activity. World at work drone view. - stock photo
Could supply-chain issues derail the energy transition?
Industrial worker in overalls, helmet holding digital equipment such as laptop, walkie talkie, digital lamp
Getting digital transformation right in resource-heavy industries
Old and new energy - stock photo
Charting the global energy landscape to 2050: Emissions
Distillation tank of oil refinery plant, morning time - stock photo
How North American natural gas could alleviate the global energy crisis
Three ships sailing
2022 LNG Buyer Survey: Adapting to an uncertain future
Products and Services for the Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industries - stock photo
Refining in the energy transition through 2040
" "
Scaling the CCUS industry to achieve net-zero emissions
Key factors impacting short-term natural gas prices in North America
Blog Post
Key factors impacting short-term natural gas prices in North America
Will fusion energy help decarbonize the power system?
Oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico
How the Gulf of Mexico can further the energy transition
Oil refinery and pipeline in desert during sunset
Executive Briefing
How climate action can help deliver EU energy security
Outdoor unit of heat pump heating of residential house framed by roses
Building decarbonization: How electric heat pumps could help reduce emissions today and going forward
photo night view of power plant
Five levers to optimize energy spent and risks for industrials
Electric car at charging station parked nearby house with solar panels
Unlocking opportunities from industrial electrification
Power plant
Safeguarding green steel in Europe: Facing the natural-gas challenge
Decarbonizing the grid with 24/7 clean power purchase agreements
Ethanol and corn markets: Impact from the E15 gasoline waiver
Blog Post
Ethanol and corn markets: Impact from the E15 gasoline waiver
An aerial view of wind turbines in the ocean
How to succeed in the expanding global offshore wind market
Reflecting on 2021 global LNG and European pipeline flows
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Reflecting on 2021 global LNG and European pipeline flows
Snapshot of global oil supply and demand
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Snapshot of global oil supply and demand: February 2025
Landscape panorama of a pipeline in the summer
Decarbonizing US gas utilities: The potential role of a clean-fuels system in the energy transition
Capturing the battery value-chain opportunity
The global energy landscape is going through major shifts: What does this mean for value pools in energy?
Blog Post
The global energy landscape is going through major shifts: What does this mean for value pools in energy?
Oil rig drilling amongst crops
Strategies for OFSE companies confronting the energy transition
Snapshot of gas and LNG flows and market dynamics: September 2020
Blog Post
Snapshot of gas and LNG flows and market dynamics: Q3 2021
The right product, the right price: Purchasing solutions in chemicals
The right product, the right price: Purchasing solutions in chemicals
Global downstream outlook to 2035
Global downstream outlook to 2035
The impact of decarbonization on the gas and LNG industry
The impact of decarbonization on the gas and LNG industry
Petrochemicals 2020: A year of resilience and the road to recovery
Petrochemicals 2020: A year of resilience and the road to recovery
LNG portfolio optimization: Putting the business model to the test
LNG portfolio optimization: Putting the business model to the test
Global oil supply-and-demand outlook to 2040
Global oil supply-and-demand outlook to 2040
Global gas outlook to 2050
Global gas outlook to 2050
Reflecting on 2020 LNG flows
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Reflecting on 2020 LNG flows
Global Energy Perspective 2021
Global Energy Perspective 2021
Ending the zero-sum game in offshore drilling
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Ending the zero-sum game in offshore drilling
The path to recovery for US oil production
Blog Post
The path to recovery for US oil production
How tapping connectivity in oil and gas can fuel higher performance
How tapping connectivity in oil and gas can fuel higher performance
The end of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline: What does it mean for the North American natural gas industry?
Blog Post
The end of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline: What does it mean for the North American natural gas industry?
How COVID-19 and market changes are shaping LNG buyer preferences
How COVID-19 and market changes are shaping LNG buyer preferences
Institutionalizing drilling and completions efficiency in US unconventionals
Institutionalizing drilling and completions efficiency in US unconventionals
Climate math: What a 1.5-degree pathway would take
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Climate math: What a 1.5-degree pathway would take
Monitoring the Permian basin using Earth observations
Blog Post
Monitoring the Permian basin using Earth observations
Winning the arms race for LNG commercial talent
Winning the race for world-class LNG optimization capabilities
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Reflecting on 2019 LNG flows
Blog Post
Natural-gas liquids on a roll
The future of natural gas in North America
The future of natural gas in North America
The future is now: How oil and gas companies can decarbonize
The future is now: How oil and gas companies can decarbonize
Toward a net-zero future: Decarbonizing upstream oil and gas operations
Toward a net-zero future: Decarbonizing upstream oil and gas operations
What shipowners, refiners, and traders should know about IMO 2020
What shipowners, refiners, and traders should know about IMO 2020
Global downstream outlook to 2035
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What’s fueling the global downstream market?
Setting the bar for global LNG cost competitiveness
Setting the bar for global LNG cost competitiveness
Global refining: Profiting in a downstream downturn
Global refining: Profiting in a downstream downturn
Peak energy, peak oil, and the rise of renewables: An executive’s guide to the global energy system
Peak energy, peak oil, and the rise of renewables: An executive’s guide to the global energy system
Forced boil-off gas: The future of LNG fuel consumption
Forced boil-off gas: The future of LNG as a fuel for LNG carriers
North American gas outlook to 2030
North American gas outlook to 2030
Recharging economies: The EV-battery manufacturing outlook for Europe
Recharging economies: The EV-battery manufacturing outlook for Europe
Offshore-drilling outlook to 2035
Offshore-drilling outlook to 2035
How did the European natural gas market evolve in 2018?
Blog Post
How did the European natural gas market evolve in 2018?
Brazil has the potential for a 70% oil production increase by 2035—but is it likely?
Blog Post
Brazil has the potential for a 70% oil production increase by 2035—but is it likely?
Helping the industry navigate the energy transition
Blog Post
Helping the industry navigate the energy transition
15 key insights from the 2018 LNG market
Blog Post
Reflecting on the 2018 LNG market: 15 key insights
Global Oil Supply & Demand Outlook to 2035
Industries Solutions - Tech Tools
Global Oil Supply & Demand Outlook to 2035
Global Energy Perspective 2019
Global Energy Perspective 2019
GEP accelerated transition report thumbnail
Industries Solutions - Tech Tools
Global Energy Perspective: Accelerated Transition
Eight shifts that would result in a much more rapid global energy transition
Blog Post
Eight shifts that would result in a much more rapid global energy transition
Lubes growth opportunities remain despite switch to electric vehicles
Lubes growth opportunities remain despite switch to electric vehicles
Geopolitics can lead to a hundred-dollar oil world, but are unlikely to sustain it
Blog Post
Geopolitics can lead to a hundred-dollar oil world, but can it sustain it?
IMO 2020 and the outlook for marine fuels
IMO 2020 and the outlook for marine fuels
The impact of rising US LNG exports on global markets
The impact of rising US LNG exports on global markets
Permian, we have a gas problem(s)
Blog Post
Permian, we have a gas problem(s)
In full swing: North America’s crude prices and changing takeaway capacity
In full swing: North America’s crude prices and changing takeaway capacity
The European electric bus market is charging ahead, but how will it develop?
The European electric bus market is charging ahead, but how will it develop?
Decarbonization of industrial sectors: The next frontier
Decarbonization of industrial sectors: The next frontier
The EU gas network resilience through advanced analytics
The EU gas network resilience through advanced analytics
Five key questions clients ask about our energy demand outlook to 2050
Five key questions clients ask about our energy demand outlook to 2050
MARPOL 2020: An opportunity for OPEC to reclaim market share
Blog Post
MARPOL 2020: An opportunity for OPEC to reclaim market share
LNG regas terminals: Diversification the way forward
LNG regas terminals: Diversification the way forward
Metal mining constraints on the electric mobility horizon
Metal mining constraints on the electric mobility horizon
What if the latest wind and solar auction results were the new reality of electricity prices?
What if the latest wind and solar auction results were the new reality of electricity prices?
Diesel demand: still growing globally despite Dieselgate
Blog Post
Diesel demand: still growing globally despite Dieselgate
US natural gas market reaction to the ‘Bomb Cyclone’
Blog Post
US natural gas market reaction to the ‘Bomb Cyclone’
How US LNG may create new pricing fundamentals over the coming five years
How US LNG may create new pricing fundamentals over the coming five years
Proppant demand outlook for the Bakken and Permian
Proppant demand outlook for the Bakken and Permian
Can carbon prices fire up gas demand in electricity generation?
Can carbon prices fire up gas demand in electricity generation?
MARPOL implications on refining and shipping markets
MARPOL implications on refining and shipping markets
New reality: electric trucks and their implications on energy demand