Our Insights
Improving refinery margins through value chain optimization
For North American downstream oil refineries, now is the time to improve value chain optimization through focused, management-led...
The energy transition: Where are we, really?
Scaling up deployment of decarbonization technologies is crucial to achieve net zero, but there is a reality gap—the lack...
Global Energy Perspective 2023
In an evolving energy landscape, our Global Energy Perspective 2023 provides insights into long-term trends that will shape the...
Refinery transactions: A window of opportunity?
There is a dichotomy in refinery ownership, with some players reducing their refining portfolios while others see the significant...
The future of European gas: How buyers’ needs will shape the market
The European energy crisis has disrupted the trajectory of gas demand. Now, there is an opportunity for suppliers to partner...
Converting refineries to renewable fuels: No simple switch
Feedstock type and availability, current plant configuration, regulation, and finance are just some factors to consider when...
A balancing act: Securing European gas and power markets
The invasion of Ukraine has shocked the European energy market. Europe may need to intensify efforts to reduce gas demand to...
The world needs to capture, use, and store gigatons of CO2: Where and how?
Strategically building carbon capture, utilization, and storage hubs near clusters of large emitters can lower costs and accelerate...
Unlocking Asia–Pacific’s vast carbon-capture potential
Asia–Pacific has vast CCUS potential—but substantial challenges remain. With eight assertive actions, regulators...
The future of commodity trading
A new normal of commodity trading will call for new types of traders.
The future of commodity trading continues...
Smart scheduling for utilities: A fast solution for today’s priorities
AI-driven schedule optimizers are alleviating long-standing headaches for utility companies by reducing employee downtime, improving...
Could supply-chain issues derail the energy transition?
Electric-vehicle penetration is the biggest driver of oil demand declines in the energy transition. However, emerging supply...
Getting digital transformation right in resource-heavy industries
Eight core principles can help companies in the energy, oil and gas, basic materials, and utilities sectors achieve successful...
Charting the global energy landscape to 2050: Emissions
At the end of COP27, concerns are growing that a 1.5º Pathway is getting out of sight. Our latest Global Energy Perspective...
How North American natural gas could alleviate the global energy crisis
North America has the potential to provide affordable natural gas that could address energy security and help decarbonization—here’s...
2022 LNG Buyer Survey: Adapting to an uncertain future
Our recent survey illustrates how the liquefied natural gas market has shifted in response to concerns about supply security...
Refining in the energy transition through 2040
The size of the global refining industry varies dramatically across different energy transition scenarios by 2040. Assumptions...
Scaling the CCUS industry to achieve net-zero emissions
Carbon capture, utilization, and storage can help hard-to-abate industries achieve net-zero emissions. Scaling the industry will...
Blog Post
Key factors impacting short-term natural gas prices in North America
The volatility in energy prices is impacting everyone. This winter, three key factors could decrease natural gas prices in North...
Will fusion energy help decarbonize the power system?
Nuclear fusion has long been considered a near-impossible clean-energy solution. But technological advances—and the need...
How the Gulf of Mexico can further the energy transition
Long recognized as a pillar of US energy production, deepwater Gulf of Mexico could help provide the resources the world needs...
Executive Briefing
How climate action can help deliver EU energy security
Governments can act now to accelerate the energy transition in Europe to both improve the continent’s long-term energy...
Building decarbonization: How electric heat pumps could help reduce emissions today and going forward
The electrification of heating systems could play a significant role in the transition to net zero—and heat pumps are emerging...
Five levers to optimize energy spent and risks for industrials
Optimizing energy procurement and risk management in a volatile energy market is key to staying resilient.
Unlocking opportunities from industrial electrification
Electrification brings major value creation opportunities for industrial companies across the value chain—from integrators...
Safeguarding green steel in Europe: Facing the natural-gas challenge
European steelmakers need to reconsider their decarbonization strategies because of rising natural-gas and electricity prices,...
Decarbonizing the grid with 24/7 clean power purchase agreements
In the global struggle to curb greenhouse-gas emissions, renewable power is taking an ever-increasing share of generation capacity....
Blog Post
Ethanol and corn markets: Impact from the E15 gasoline waiver
Following an announcement by the White House several weeks earlier, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a waiver...
How to succeed in the expanding global offshore wind market
Regions around the world are embracing offshore wind. Companies that pursue projects can expect numerous challenges and must...
Blog Post
Reflecting on 2021 global LNG and European pipeline flows
Over the past year, liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices reached an all-time high. An analysis of the data identifies key insights...
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Snapshot of global oil supply and demand: February 2025
Our dashboard explores key short-term signposts impacting oil demand, supply, and prices.
Decarbonizing US gas utilities: The potential role of a clean-fuels system in the energy transition
US natural gas utilities and combined electric and gas utilities have an opportunity to convert their infrastructure into clean-fuels...
Capturing the battery value-chain opportunity
Companies and governments must move quickly to gain a foothold in the fast-growing battery market for electric vehicles.
Blog Post
The global energy landscape is going through major shifts: What does this mean for value pools in energy?
The world’s energy systems are undergoing rapid transitions triggered by simultaneous shifts in technological development,...
Strategies for OFSE companies confronting the energy transition
The oil-field-services-and-equipment sector has steadily declined for more than a decade. Companies can consider three broad...
Blog Post
Snapshot of gas and LNG flows and market dynamics: Q3 2021
Our dashboards summarize recent gas and LNG trends and developments that have occurred in key markets around the world.
The right product, the right price: Purchasing solutions in chemicals
Eleven key levers can reduce costs and provide category managers with real-time insights on volatile commodities prices.
Global downstream outlook to 2035
For the global refining market, recovery from the COVID-19 crisis will vary across regions and scenarios.
The impact of decarbonization on the gas and LNG industry
The energy mix is shifting across industries. Developing a five- to ten-year strategy can help oil and gas companies navigate...
Petrochemicals 2020: A year of resilience and the road to recovery
Most companies showed recovery of revenues and profits to pre-COVID-19 levels in the third and fourth quarters. A deeper dive...
LNG portfolio optimization: Putting the business model to the test
Most integrated gas players are experiencing earnings pressure from the 2020 down cycle in gas prices. To become more resilient,...
Global oil supply-and-demand outlook to 2040
COVID-19 sent shocks through global oil markets, with oil demand and supply still struggling to return to pre-pandemic levels....
Global gas outlook to 2050
While we saw high levels of volatility in 2020, the outlook for gas and LNG shows strong growth, resilience, and changing expectations...
Blog Post
Reflecting on 2020 LNG flows
COVID-19 caused unprecedented volatility in LNG markets, with spot prices at both record lows and highs. An analysis of data...
Global Energy Perspective 2021
The Global Energy Perspective describes our view on how the energy transition can unfold, through four scenarios.
Blog Post
Ending the zero-sum game in offshore drilling
Re-establishing long-term profitability calls for bold steps to tackle the structural oversupply of active rigs
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The path to recovery for US oil production
Operators are likely to pursue a three-phase recovery that tracks the cost curve of activating production
How tapping connectivity in oil and gas can fuel higher performance
Price and demand pressures in the oil and gas sector make the potential value embedded in advanced connectivity for exploration...
Blog Post
The end of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline: What does it mean for the North American natural gas industry?
The decision in early July to cancel the Atlantic Coast Pipeline raises questions about the outlook for natural gas in North...
How COVID-19 and market changes are shaping LNG buyer preferences
Our recent survey gauges how the pandemic has affected buyer sentiment with expectations of an increased reliance on the spot...
Institutionalizing drilling and completions efficiency in US unconventionals
US shale drillers lead the world—but even so, investing to improve drilling efficiency, well design, and back-office functions...
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Climate math: What a 1.5-degree pathway would take
Decarbonizing global business at scale is achievable, but the math is daunting.
Blog Post
Monitoring the Permian basin using Earth observations
A novel way to gain an accurate view of shale activity in close to real time is through the use of satellites. Remote-sensing...
Winning the race for world-class LNG optimization capabilities
The race to claim the portfolio development and optimization space has led to double-digit growth in the number of LNG commercial...
Blog Post
Reflecting on 2019 LNG flows
The past year has seen a marked increase in LNG. Our analysis outlines the implications for 2020.
Blog Post
Natural-gas liquids on a roll
The boom in US natural-gas liquids shows no sign of slowing. But producers and exporters should be aware of bottlenecks and price...
The future of natural gas in North America
What role will natural gas play in North America’s energy mix over the next decades? And how can players position themselves...
The future is now: How oil and gas companies can decarbonize
As the pressure to act on climate change builds, the industry should consider a range of options.
Toward a net-zero future: Decarbonizing upstream oil and gas operations
To operate well is to operate responsibly—but more must be done on sustainable design and balanced portfolios to achieve a net-zero...
What shipowners, refiners, and traders should know about IMO 2020
New global limits on sulfur content for marine fuels will have a significant impact on fuel markets. Our forecast for 2020 shows...
Blog Post
What’s fueling the global downstream market?
Listen to the recording from our recent webinar: “Three factors fueling the global downstream market.”
Setting the bar for global LNG cost competitiveness
By 2035, unmet LNG demand could reach 100 to 140 MTPA. With more than 100 pre-FID projects totaling over 1,100 MTPA in contention...
Global refining: Profiting in a downstream downturn
Amid long-term margin declines in the global refining market, players must move quickly to adjust their portfolio strategies.
Peak energy, peak oil, and the rise of renewables: An executive’s guide to the global energy system
Global energy demand is headed toward a plateau over the next ten to 20 years, as the world focuses on electrification, energy...
Forced boil-off gas: The future of LNG as a fuel for LNG carriers
New limitations on sulphur emissions will require ship operators to consider alternative fuels. As a result, the use of forced...
North American gas outlook to 2030
Here’s what you need to know about the North American outlook for gas demand, supply, and price to 2030.
Recharging economies: The EV-battery manufacturing outlook for Europe
As uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) increases, the EV-battery market represents an opportunity for European players. We assess...
Offshore-drilling outlook to 2035
Our perspective on the global offshore-drilling market offers projections to 2035.
Blog Post
How did the European natural gas market evolve in 2018?
The European gas market has seen several shifts—driven by a milder winter, rising European LNG demand due to attractive...
Blog Post
Brazil has the potential for a 70% oil production increase by 2035—but is it likely?
Brazil can look forward to some positive news when it comes to oil production for the next few years.
Blog Post
Helping the industry navigate the energy transition
By 2035, global energy demand is expected to plateau, and economic growth and global energy demand will be decoupled for the...
Blog Post
Reflecting on the 2018 LNG market: 15 key insights
This past year was significant for the global LNG market, with plenty of twists and turns, winners and losers.
Industries Solutions - Tech Tools
Global Oil Supply & Demand Outlook to 2035
Oil supply and demand perspective with balances to 2035 and macro outlooks on global oil prices.
Global Energy Perspective 2019
The Global Energy Perspective Reference Case provides our view on how the energy transition will unfold.
Industries Solutions - Tech Tools
Global Energy Perspective: Accelerated Transition
Our outlook reviews eight potential shifts that could accelerate the energy transition—from faster uptake of electric vehicles...
Blog Post
Eight shifts that would result in a much more rapid global energy transition
We may be closer to a radical energy transition than expected, with some far-reaching developments already under way.
Lubes growth opportunities remain despite switch to electric vehicles
Lubricating oils have traditionally been one of the most attractive areas in the oil and gas value chain, but disruption is on...
Blog Post
Geopolitics can lead to a hundred-dollar oil world, but can it sustain it?
Tighter market balances have since driven Brent to around USD80/bbl, though the combination of OPEC supply and MARPOL demand...
IMO 2020 and the outlook for marine fuels
In 2020, the global limit on sulfur content for all marine fuels will be lowered dramatically, sending shockwaves through global...
The impact of rising US LNG exports on global markets
Earlier this year, the opening of Cove Point marked a turning point for US LNG exports, placing the US 5th in the 2018 export...
Blog Post
Permian, we have a gas problem(s)
The Permian is experiencing its first natural gas problem. Gas production is starting to exceed pipeline capacity exiting the...
In full swing: North America’s crude prices and changing takeaway capacity
The first half of 2018 saw crude production continuing to rise in North America. US crude exports are also on the rise, but ample...
The European electric bus market is charging ahead, but how will it develop?
Widescale adoption of electric buses in Europe is near. There is still a lot of uncertainty around eBus battery charging strategies...
Decarbonization of industrial sectors: The next frontier
Though deep decarbonization is possible, it will require substantial investments and big changes to the energy system. Technological...
The EU gas network resilience through advanced analytics
How advanced analytics can help you understand the European gas network system response under demand and supply discontinuities....
Five key questions clients ask about our energy demand outlook to 2050
Our Global Energy Perspective summarizes our energy demand outlook to 2050. Based on client conversations we’ve had since...
Blog Post
MARPOL 2020: An opportunity for OPEC to reclaim market share
New MARPOL limits on sulfur content in marine fuels could result in 1-1.8MMb/d of additional refinery runs to produce higher...
LNG regas terminals: Diversification the way forward
The days of LNG terminals as simple LNG regasification facilities that only optimize availability and operational reliability...
Metal mining constraints on the electric mobility horizon
Cobalt, nickel, and lithium demand for electric vehicle batteries is expected to boom up to 2025 and beyond. Can additional supply,...
What if the latest wind and solar auction results were the new reality of electricity prices?
With ever lower auction results being reported, the question arises: what would the effect be on our power markets if the average...
Blog Post
Diesel demand: still growing globally despite Dieselgate
Two years after Dieselgate, the impact of the diesel emissions scandal on final demand appears to be smaller than many expected,...
Blog Post
US natural gas market reaction to the ‘Bomb Cyclone’
Cold weather led to record demand and storage withdrawals which increased prices to over $100/MMbtu
Blog Post
How US LNG may create new pricing fundamentals over the coming five years
In 2017, the US exported 12.4 million tons of LNG, a significant increase from the 3.1 million tons of LNG export in 2016. This...
Proppant demand outlook for the Bakken and Permian
North American proppant demand is up from 45 million tons in 2016 to 110 million tons in 2018. This will be beneficial for suppliers...
Can carbon prices fire up gas demand in electricity generation?
With governments revising their energy policies to meet the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement, carbon prices are back on the...
MARPOL implications on refining and shipping markets
Opportunities will depend on how other sectors respond.
New reality: electric trucks and their implications on energy demand
When DHL decided in 2013 that it wanted to upgrade its fleet to electric powertrains, it could not find a suitable vehicle or...