How can European companies understand their exposure, vulnerabilities and potential losses to inform resilience strategies?

Woman in car handing car keys to a man standing outside

Car leasing in Europe: Managing residual value for a €12 billion opportunity

Aerial view of a yacht in a storm with a dramatic sky
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
A defining moment: How Europe’s CEOs can build resilience to grow in today’s economic maelstrom
paper crane flying - stock illustration
News headlines to watch for in 2023
Floating chess pieces
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Strategic courage in an age of volatility
buildings at Canary Wharf in London
Procurement for prosperity: How UK CPOs can navigate uncertainty and change
Securing Europe’s future: Addressing its corporate and technology gap
Article - MGI Research
Securing Europe’s future beyond energy: Addressing its corporate and technology gap

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Thriving, not just surviving, in macroeconomic uncertainty

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