
A man with a smile on his face after arriving in a European city is holding his phone in one hand and his luggage in the other, as he waits for a taxi.

An update on European consumer sentiment: A sunnier outlook ahead of summer?

Woman looking at the forest while hiking - stock photo
Next stop for Spanish tourism excellence: Sustainability
Confident female business trainer working with employees
Women Matter, Portugal: Women are still far from top corporate-leadership positions
Businesswoman sharing ideas with colleagues
Women Matter, Spain: Women are still far from top corporate-leadership positions
forest in the Spain map shape - stock illustration
Net-zero Spain: Europe’s decarbonization hub
photo Spanish beach
How Spanish hospitality companies can overcome the staff-shortage challenge
photo woman looking at mobile device
Opportunity knocks for Europe’s digital consumer: Digital trends show big gains and new opportunities
McKinsey acquires S4G Consulting to help businesses ignite growth
Blog Post
McKinsey acquires S4G Consulting to help businesses ignite growth
Iberia Digital Summit 2021
Digital Summit 2021 (in Portuguese)
Spain’s travel sector can’t afford to wait to recover. What can stakeholders do?
Spain’s travel sector can’t afford to wait to recover. What can stakeholders do?
Emerging stronger from the coronavirus pandemic
Global theme
The Next Normal: Emerging stronger from the coronavirus pandemic
Why business building is the new priority for growth
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Why business building is the new priority for growth
What’s next for remote work: An analysis of 2,000 tasks, 800 jobs, and nine countries
Article - MGI Research
What’s next for remote work: An analysis of 2,000 tasks, 800 jobs, and nine countries
Spain after COVID-19: From resilience to reimagination
Spain after COVID-19: From resilience to reimagination
Women matter 2017: A way forward for Spain
Women matter 2017: A way forward for Spain (in Spanish)

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