
How the Nordics can lead on diversity & inclusion

How the Nordics can lead on diversity & inclusion

How decarbonization can increase the Nordics competitiveness
How decarbonization can increase the Nordics’ competitiveness
The economic potential of Gen AI for Finland
Press Release
Generative AI can add  EUR 13 billion to Finland's GDP
A lone climber ascending a snowy ridge in the Alps
Nordic champions: The value creation formula at the cusp of a new era
Denmark, North Jutland, steepcoast at lighthouse Rubjerg Knude - stock photo
Danmark i morgen: Ti platforme for dansk velstand i en ny æra
Case Study
How a global components manufacturer built an ambitious carbon reduction roadmap
Cargo ship over sea at sunrise
Green corridors could lead the way to zero-carbon shipping. But how can they become a reality?
A close-up view of an Ice Hockey puck hitting the back of the goal net as shavings fly by, viewed from the front. Scoring a goal in ice hockey.
Playing offense to create Nordic sustainability champions
Clothes furled in the air
Scaling textile recycling in Europe—turning waste into value
Accelerating toward net zero: The green business building opportunity
What makes the difference for Europe’s top start-ups
What makes the difference for Europe’s top start-ups
Spinning coin
The flip side of large M&A deals
Ten opportunities for Norway
Ten opportunities for Norway
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
How one approach to M&A is more likely to create value than all others
Winning formula: How Europe’s top tech start-ups get it right
Winning formula: How Europe’s top tech start-ups get it right
Nordic payments: Where collaboration + competition = innovation
Nordic payments: Where collaboration and competition lead to innovation
Bold moves to forge Nordic champions
Bold moves to forge Nordic champions
How keeping health a priority in Europe is a prescription for prosperity
Article - MGI Research
How keeping health a priority is a prescription for European prosperity
Time for care means care on time
Time for care means care on time - physician productivity in Sweden
Digitizing Sweden: Opportunities and priorities in five ecosystems
Shaping the future of work in Europe’s 9 digital front-runner countries
Shaping the future of work in Europe’s 9 digital front-runner countries

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