United Kingdom

A woman with her hands over her head expressing frustration during a conference meeting with colleagues
Blog Post

The hidden costs of quiet quitting, quantified

A vibrant illustration of 4 figures, including a videographer, speaker, dancer and a reader. Music notes, a movie reel, game remote and drama maskes along with colorful circles are mixed in the environment, which is set against delicate undulating line-work.
The arts in the UK: Seeing the big picture
UK supermarket shelves of food products
Blog Post
UK inflation has fallen below 10 percent: How should businesses approach the next phase?
Colorful smoke flowing around a glowing ring
Capturing growth in the evolving UK savings and retirement market
3D Rendering, ladder and duct
Fixing the ladder: How UK businesses benefit from better social mobility
buildings at Canary Wharf in London
Procurement for prosperity: How UK CPOs can navigate uncertainty and change
Solar power plant
Facing the future: Net zero and the UK electricity sector
The UK biotech sector: The path to global leadership
Helping unemployed women find work in uncertain times
Helping unemployed women find work in uncertain times

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