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Look! Up in the sky! Not a bird … or a plane … it’s an eVTOL! An eVTOL (pronounced “ee-vee-tol”) is an electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft—and thousands of them could be flying above cities by 2030. Hear McKinsey experts and industry pioneers describe what’s coming in the world of “advanced air mobility” (AAM) and how it could affect passengers, pilots, and our planet.

“Flying taxis will happen; it’s a question of ‘when,’ not ‘if’”

What new modes of air transportation will exist in 2030? Could eVTOLs replace cars by then? Will passenger aircraft be piloted or autonomous—or somewhere in between? McKinsey’s Kersten Heineke, Benedikt Kloss, and Robin Riedel imagine the future of advanced air mobility.

eVTOLs are coming soon to a ‘vertiport’ near you

These executives say their electric aircraft will be safe, quiet, affordable, and environmentally friendly—and you’ll be able to fly in one as early as 2024.
Florian Reuter
See the full interview
Bonny Simi
Head of Air Operations and People
Joby Aviation
Ptoo.”enjoyable,andcommunity,thetovalue addait’sexciting,It’sabout.thinkingbegintogirlsyoungforcareerrealaactuallyisThisoperation....family-friendlyveryaformakesit—sodesignveryitsbynight,everyhomebewilloperationourof“Pilots
See the full interview
Daniel Wiegand
Cofounder and CEO
See the full interview
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More on the future of advanced air mobility

Blog Post

Future Air Mobility blog

Perspectives and analyses on urban air mobility, drones, electric aviation, and more

Up in the air: How do consumers view advanced air mobility?

– Our new global survey shows that consumers are ready to take advantage of advanced air mobility, but concerns remain.

From no mobility to future mobility: Where COVID-19 has accelerated change

– The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted mobility, and its effects will linger well into next year. How will changing consumer preferences,... technologies, and regulations shape the market in 2021?

To take off, flying vehicles first need places to land

– The buzz about vehicles flying above hides the infrastructure challenge below.

Flying-cab drivers wanted

– Air taxis are coming. Until they can fly autonomously, this nascent industry will need many pilots.

The impact of COVID-19 on future mobility solutions

– As the global pandemic spreads, mobility players need to prepare for the new world ahead.

Air-mobility solutions: What they’ll need to take off

– Innovators are designing air taxis and delivery drones. But these won’t take flight unless stakeholders accelerate investment... in air-mobility infrastructure.

Taxiing for takeoff: The flying cab in your future

– How big is the potential market for personal air mobility, and what will it take to develop it successfully?

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