A father’s guide to balancing home and work

Whether you’ve scrambled to find childcare, juggled a busy work schedule and obligatory housework, or came to the aid of testy remote learners, one thing is clear: pandemic parenting hasn’t been easy. This Father’s Day, explore recent insights that unpack the issues parents face today and discover ways to stay more balanced in business and in life, with topics including:

  • The expansive benefits of paternity leave
  • Why parents struggled during the pandemic—and how companies are supporting them
  • Managing stress
  • Finding your life purpose
  • Building meaningful relationships

A fresh look at paternity leave: Why the benefits extend beyond the personal

Diverse employees are struggling the most during COVID-19—here’s how companies can respond

How to turn everyday stress into ‘optimal stress’

Why mentoring matters: A conversation with Carlos Lejnieks

Do you know your life’s purpose?

Author Talks: Susan McPherson on building meaningful relationships—in business and in life

COVID-19 and the employee experience: How leaders can seize the moment

How dual-career couples find fulfillment at work

McKinsey for Kids

A tiger’s tale about what nature is really worth

(Food) waste not, want not

Hungry fish, baffled farmers, and what happened next